Grüne Innovation in Zusammenarbeit mit Raumfahrtprogrammen begünstigen
Da der Klimawandel alles Leben auf der Erde immer stärker bedroht, müssen Sektoren, die dessen Folgen verhindern oder abmildern könnten, dringend ihre Innovationskraft stärken. Unter Schirmherrschaft der Europäischen Kommission und der portugiesischen Ratspräsidentschaft will das EU-finanzierte Projekt CSS4GIE eine Konferenz organisieren, die sowohl grüne Technologie und Innovationen als auch die möglichen Synergien für grüne Innovationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Raumfahrtprogrammen wie Copernicus anregt und fördert. Geplant ist, grüne Innovationstechnologien sowie Technologien, die ein Gleichgewicht zwischen ökologischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Aspekten schaffen, in den Mittelpunkt zu rücken und die Vorteile und Fähigkeiten von Copernicus zu präsentieren.
The Portuguese Presidency, with the support of the European Commission, and in coherence with national strategic priorities aims organising an event entitled: Climate Science from Space: Synergies for a greener innovation economy. This event (conference) is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education underlying issues of major relevance to the Societal Challenge Climate Action. Hence, featuring innovation and technologies towards clean transformation with the aim of providing an appropriate balance between environmental, economic and social elements. The concept dovetails with the 18-month Trio (DE-PT-SI) Programme of the Council on the need to foster a competitive space sector and its integration into European economy, including in promoting market driven approaches and opening space to new actors.
The conference shall be focused on how European space programmes, with especial relevance for Copernicus, can be meaningful for the implementation and monitoring of climate actions. Space activity encompass an important innovation component, always at the edge of the scientific-technological development. Fighting climate change and achieving the transition to a climate-neutral society with investments in space related programs always ensure a very high level of research and innovation, and the generation of new high skilled jobs. Assessing the benefit and overall coherence of existing and planned actions in the field of research and innovation in the context of a wider European strategic global role in the space ecosystem is also behind the concept. Therefore, underpinning the outputs of past R&D activities, their positive impact on improved resource efficiency, climate resilience and the contribution of Earth Observation data will positively foster other endeavours in the downstream involving scientists, businesses, investors, local authorities or environmental organisations.
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