CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Science for Climate


Werbung für Forschung in der Jugend Portugals

Das Einhalten des europäischen Grünen Deals bedeutet, dass Europa bis 2050 der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent wird. Dazu gehört der Umweltschutz, die Förderung einer grünen Wirtschaft und die Reduzierung der Verschmutzung. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SCICLI wird Forschende näher an die Öffentlichkeit Portugals bringen, um die Rolle der Wissenschaft bei der Bewältigung des Klimawandels zu diskutieren. Außerdem soll das Bewusstsein für die neueste Forschung und technologische Innovationen in den Bereichen der Industrie, des Verkehrs, natürlicher Ressourcen und des Schutzes von Ökosystemen geschärft werden. Das Projekt wird Aktivitäten in vier Regionen in ganz Portugal durchführen. Dabei sind sechs Universitäten, Gemeinden und neue Forschungsinstitutionen aus verschiedenen Forschungsgebieten beteiligt. Das übergeordnete Ziel ist es, soziale Inklusion zu fördern und junge Menschen anzuregen, eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn einzuschlagen.


"The European Green Deal proposes the EU to be climate neutral by 2050 by promoting a series of initiatives that will protect the environment and boost the green economy, cutting pollution. This proposal uses the motto ""Science for Climate"" (SCICLI) as a point of departure to achieve two main goals: (i) raise Portuguese citizens' awareness, particularly young people, towards innovation and research being conducted in Europe to develop green technology, industry and transport and to preserve ecosystems and natural resources; and (ii) bring researchers closer to civil society, enabling meaningful opportunities for communities to express their concerns and expectations about research and, more generally, about science to face climate changes. This direct connection with people's concerns allows a simple contact among all social players, responding to Responsible, Research & Innovation (RRI) goals, and brings the public attention to the need of promoting social cohesion and inclusion while preserving cultural identity and responding to the European Green Deal. The SCICLI proposal for the European Researchers' Night (ERN) 2021 will therefore rely on the social, economic and environmental dimensions for sustainability, while promoting the relevance of science and research to contribute for climate neutrality in the future.
SCICLI will involve large segments of the scientific community in public engagement and science communication/awareness activities during the ERN and build-up activities. It will go where citizens are: this project proposes to reach four regions/cities from North to South of Portugal, involving six universities, municipalities and new research institutions from different scientific areas. It will target all age groups, with special focus on young people who are being pressured to adapt to the consequences of global changes in the next decades, and encouraging them to actively contribute with solutions by choosing scientific careers.


€ 50 250,00
1649 004 Lisboa

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Continente Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 50 250,00

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