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ReCoN-nect - The Green Deal: Research communication to CommuNities

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ReCoN-nect (ReCoN-nect - The Green Deal: Research communication to CommuNities)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-04-20 al 2022-05-19

Societies underinvest in research either because it is a long term process and the results are not easily seen, or because of the complexity of this enterprise. This, along with other difficulties, weighs on the researchers who lack the will or power to get more engaged in public life, and this further affects the trust of the general public in science and research. Breaking the vicious circle is a slow process and should be based on a genuine partnership between the researchers, as promoters of new findings about the world's true nature, the society as a whole, with its most stringent but also subtle needs, and the communication facilitators as a way to surface the unexpressed realities.
The ReCoNnect project was thought of as part of a long term programme to rethink and restructure the way researchers present themselves and their work to the public, as a response to a more and more challenging and noisy communication environment which makes it difficult to convey the true merits of science and research for the benefit of the society.
To make this programme operational, the project has proposed re-connecting research and innovators to the current challenges the society faces: by selecting a main topic of interest to focus the communication; in this case it was the scientific contributions to The Green Deal, by having a more careful and better tailored communication to a more and more digital public, and to invite other stakeholders to be partners of the project from its inception.
Other objectives were to extend the Researcher’s Night events to smaller communities, even rural ones, and to collaborate with educational programmes and initiatives developed in other contexts, thus connecting existing educational events (summer schools, science communication programs) and STEM best practice learning communities in a coherent full year calendar.
During the ReCoNnect project the partners organized about 60 events of different amplitude promoting science and research starting from a few hours short events up to campaigns of webinars or summer schools which lasted up to two weeks. The main Researchers` Night events were held onsite in 17 locations and one national broadcasted event covered other areas. Taking advantage of a large consortium formed by research institutes, universities and NGOs we brought the discussion about science contributions in the Green Deal programme to different types of public and in different formats. Thus, we have additionally organized Community talks (26) about green science, two campaigns of webinars in schools, one national contest with topics about science and environment awareness, one citizen science challenge and we have been partners to the organization of several events (summer schools) and one national conference for STEM education. More than 200 researchers participated actively and presented their research in one or more events together with other stakeholders.
The project has proved successful in creating the links for different institutions and organizations to collaborate in a common framework to support science and research outreach. Several distinct or isolated educational initiatives were brought together and helped to amplify the main messages and new ideas for improved formats of communication have been tried out. The networking, and the experience of working together with fellows with the same visions is the most important result which can lead to future projects to continue to improve visibility and enhance the role of research in society.
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