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AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ACCTING (AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-02-01 al 2023-01-31

The global climate crisis has devastating impacts on individuals, families, collectives of people, economies, and societies. The impacts are not only ecological, but they are also economic, social, and political, and unfortunately, often overlooked. Just as climate change doesn’t affect everyone in the same way, the impacts of policies responding to the climate crisis are not evenly distributed either. People are disproportionately affected, with poorer, marginalised, and vulnerable groups generally most acutely, which exacerbates existing socio-economic inequalities. Yet Green Deal policies not only often fail to respond to these inequalities; they can even increase them. Averting, or even mitigating this crisis requires transformative change; changes in the behaviour of individuals, communities, and organisations. If the Green Deal is to “leave no-one behind”, the necessary behavioural change must be accessible to all. ACCTING project aims to analyse the impact of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups and produce knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change at individual and collective levels for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal.

The overall objectives of ACCTING are thus to:
- Understand the impact of Green Deal policy initiatives on individual and collective behaviours with specific attention to vulnerable groups.
- Provide evidence and empower policymakers and other stakeholders to anticipate policy responses, the potential negative impacts on inequalities, and to mitigate such impacts in Green Deal decision-making;
- Co-creatively design and implement pilot actions to be deployed by policymakers and stakeholders in the policy domains of the Green Deal with the ambition to reduce or prevent inequalities and promote participation and social justice.
ACCTING mobilises research experimentation and innovation based on an interdisciplinary methodological framework to advance a gender equal, inclusive and socially just European Green Deal. Specifically focusing on inequalities produced and reproduced in the context of Green Deal policies, ACCTING will collect new data on Green Deal policy interventions at individual, community, organisational, and societal levels. Research activities are defined along eight interdisciplinary research lines:

Climate Action:
1.Valorising local knowledge on natural hazards
2.Land use restrictions
Clean energy:
3.Energy poverty
Farm to fork:
5. Food security
6. Food values
Sustainable mobility:
7.Transport poverty
8.Post-lockdown transport choices

On this basis and in the first 12 months of the project, ACCTING research has involved an extensive mapping and comparative analysis of almost 700 bottom-up environmental initiatives, identifying local authorities, NGOs, CSOs and other actors in 34 countries. In parallel, the eight thematic and interdisciplinary research lines were developed alongside the theoretical and methodological framework to integrate the perspectives of complexity and intersectionality. The successful implementation of the first of the two research cycles of qualitative data collection resulted in 400 narrative interviews gathered through fieldwork in 14 countries along the 8 research lines. This sets the stage for the second research cycle to come. Finally, the multi-sectoral “Open Studios” were developed, ready to be later fed with the results and co-create ideas and concepts for innovative solutions. In addition to the research activities, the ACCTING Network, a living community of stakeholders intent on implementing a fair and sustainable Green Deal, was launched.
ACCTING stands out by delivering an interdisciplinary combination of different issues across multiple areas of Green Deal interventions and with its strong focus on reducing gendered and intersectional inequalities produced and reproduced by green deal interventions. The project researchers conduct exploratory and explanatory research, cocreate solutions, pilot actions and produce operational recommendations across biodiversity, clean energy, climate action, farm to fork, and sustainable mobility. Many previous projects have studied drivers, social practices and factors that stabilise them, enabling and inhibiting factors, best practice platforms, collective learning tools, etc., many of them by the ACCTING consortia partners. But the great innovative strength of ACCTING is to look at the greater picture where people make trade-offs between the different issues and across areas of interventions.
Continuing from the main results achieved so far, ACCTING will move on to the 41 experimental studies. These results will feed the multi-sectoral Open Studios which will then be used for further research experimentation, the development of pilot actions with mass implementation, and operational recommendations and an agenda for future research.

By providing in-depth knowledge of inequalities caused or worsened by Green Deal policies and involving stakeholders in the co-creation of solutions, ACCTING will have four main impacts:
- Make visible the effects of the Green Deal on vulnerable people and the emergence of new forms of discrimination and inequality
- Empower policymakers to take measures that alleviate or mitigate the adverse effects of decisions associated with the Green Deal on inequalities and vulnerable groups
- Stimulate initiatives taken by citizens and NGOs to involve society and more specifically vulnerable groups to adapt their behaviour to climate change and use these to inspire and facilitate their uptake
- Develop new concepts of bottom-up initiatives that have positive impacts on inequalities and discriminations to inspire policymakers and other stakeholders to roll these out and develop them further.