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The Effects of Far-Right Challenges on International Organizations


Auswirkungen rechtsextremer Gruppen auf die internationale Politik

Rechtsextreme Gruppen haben im gesamten politischen Spektrum Europas und in internationalen Gremien an Einfluss gewonnen, wobei ihre Mitglieder häufig internationale Organisationen und deren Politik in Frage stellen. So haben sie beispielsweise die Verhandlungen über den Global Compact for Migration in den Vereinten Nationen grundlegend verändert. Demgegenüber ist es den rechtsradikalen Parteien im Europäischen Parlament nicht gelungen, tiefgreifende politische Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FARRIO wird untersuchen, warum die transnationale rechtsradikale Opposition unterschiedliche Auswirkungen auf internationale Organisationen hat. Dabei sollen insbesondere die Auswirkungen rechtsextremer Bestrebungen in der EU, den Vereinten Nationen und ihren Sonderorganisationen/Verträgen in vier zentralen Politikbereichen (Migration, Frauenrechte, Klimawandel und öffentliche Gesundheit) verglichen werden.


The rise of the far right poses a profound challenge to global politics. Diverse far-right actors, such as political parties, civil society groups, and social movements, have been gaining support in domestic contexts, while intensifying their transnational contacts. As these groups focus on national sovereignty and share a stance against globalization, they often contest international organizations (IOs) and their policies. Yet their impact on international organizations differs: On the one hand, far-right groups have profoundly changed negotiations on the Global Compact for Migration in the UN. On the other hand, radical-right parties in the European Parliament have hardly brought about any deeper policy changes. Why does transnational far-right contestation have varying effects on international organizations?
While scholars have analyzed far-right actors in domestic politics, knowledge about their transnational activities and effects is limited. FARRIO fills this gap empirically, theoretically, and methodologically. Empirically, it compares effects of far-right contestation on the EU, the UN, and its specialized agencies/treaties in four central policy fields (migration, women's rights, climate change, and public health). Theoretically, it proposes that IO changes depend on the directness of far-right strategies and the liberal character of international organizations. It thereby breaks new ground in identifying scope conditions for far-right impact highly relevant for research on transnational protest as well as IO resilience and change. Methodologically, FARRIO draws on and further develops quantitative and qualitative methods. It adapts protest event and networks analysis to map transnational far-right contestation, also including social media data. Bridging Comparative Politics, Social Movement Studies, and the study of International Relations, FARRIO assesses the challenge far-right actors pose to IOs as well as what measures are suited to respond to it.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet

CORDIS klassifiziert Projekte mit EuroSciVoc, einer mehrsprachigen Taxonomie der Wissenschaftsbereiche, durch einen halbautomatischen Prozess, der auf Verfahren der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache beruht.


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