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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Towards understanding human consciousness: How internal brain states and environmental context shape our subjective experience


Menschliches Bewusstsein mithilfe von Neurobiologie, Neurowissenschaft und Psychologie verstehen

Das vom Europäischen Forschungsrat finanzierte Projekt HUMANCONSCIOUSNESS wird das menschliche Bewusstsein durch das Prisma der Neurobiologie, Neurowissenschaft und Psychologie untersuchen. Durch die Kombination von Neurobildgebungsverfahren, pharmakologischen Eingriffen und computergestützter Modellierung wird das Projekt die Rolle von Neurotransmittern beim bewussten Erleben erforschen. Darüber hinaus wird geprüft, wie Erregung und körperliche Aktivität das subjektive Erleben beeinflussen und wie Vorhersagen und Reizeinströmung zusammenwirken, um das Bewusstsein zu formen. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, einen integrativen Rahmen für das Verständnis der neuronalen und biochemischen Mechanismen des Bewusstseins zu schaffen und herauszufinden, wie das Bewusstsein durch die Interaktion des Menschen mit seiner Umwelt geformt wird. HUMANCONSCIOUSNESS wird unser Verständnis von Bewusstsein vertiefen und sich auf Bereiche wie Psychologie, Neurobiologie und Medizin auswirken.


Consciousness is subjective experience, the ‘what it is likeness’, for example to perceive a certain scene or to feel joy. In the last three decades tremendous progress has been made in identifying the neural correlates of consciousness at the level of whole brain regions. Meanwhile, outside the field of consciousness, rapid progress has been made in understanding neural, biochemical and psychological factors that have to be accounted for to further understand human consciousness. Most importantly, we know much more about the neurotransmitter systems underlying basic sensory processes in animals (e.g. neurobiology), the mechanisms responsible for fluctuations in wakefulness and arousal (e.g. anesthetics/neurobiology), and how perception is constructed by the brain’s predictions about regularities in the world (e.g. neuroscience/psychology). This research has, however, been performed in relative isolation from studies of human consciousness and clear opportunities to link these different fields remain largely unexplored. Here I will establish this crucial link by combining state-of-the-art neuroimaging techniques with pharmacological interventions and computational modelling in humans performing novel experimental tasks gauging subjective perceptual experience. My project has 3 main aims. I will first test the hypothesis that excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters play central, albeit different roles in recurrent neural processes, crucial for conscious experience. Second, I will test how subjective experience is shaped by spontaneous fluctuations in arousal and levels of physical activity. Third, I will test how conscious experience is modulated by the interplay between predictions and sensory input. This research promises to provide an integrative framework for understanding the neural and biochemical mechanisms of consciousness, and will reveal how it is shaped and determined by being a human agent that interacts with, acts in, and predicts its environment.


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