CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Nanoscale dynamics of volcanic processes: Experimental insights and numerical simulations of explosive eruptions


Neueste Erkenntnisse zu nicht-linearer Magmadynamik aus der Nanoperspektive

Die Magmadynamik (z. B. „Entgasung“ von Magma) hat entscheidenden Einfluss auf dessen Austritt aus Vulkanen. Die Entgasung, d. h. die Bildung wasserreicher Gasblasen aus dem Magma, gilt als einer der wichtigsten Auslöser explosiver Vulkanausbrüche. Zudem können selbst kleinste Mengen nanoskaliger Kristalle im Magma (Nanolithe) die Magmadynamik verändern und damit wichtigen Einfluss auf explosive Eruptionen haben, obwohl das Phänomen noch kaum erforscht ist. Das ERC-finanzierte Projekt NANOVOLC leistet durch In-situ-Beobachtungen der teilweise sekundenschnellen Nanolithenbildung Pionierarbeit, um deren Beitrag zum Verlauf von Vulkanausbrüchen zu klären. Neben der Durchführung dieser Beobachtungsstudien werden hochtechnische experimentelle Systeme und ein KI-gestütztes numerisches Modell für Analysen nicht-linearer dynamischer vulkanischer Prozesse entwickelt.


Volcanism is virtually ubiquitous in space and time across the universe. Its explosive expression impacts planetary evolution, life and history on Earth. The brittle – molecular – failure of magma is central to trigger explosive eruptions and yet, its occurrence is elusive to us.
The mechanistic understanding of magma dynamics, combined with monitoring activities, form the basis for forecasting eruptions. This is central for modelling the impact on volcanic eruptions and determining the risk scenario in populated areas and along flight routes. A lack of understanding of magma failure thus hampers our ability to study the local and global impact of volcanism. It is only in the last years that nanosized crystals (nanolites) have been exponentially identified in products of explosive eruptions. Pioneering experiments and in situ observations of magmas dynamics, I showed that nanolite formation can occur within seconds and has the potential to set the conditions for brittle magma fragmentation. It is time to observe in situ, under volcanic conditions the formation of nanolites and unravel their role in triggering explosive eruptions. This cutting-edge approach requires interdisciplinary research combined with technological advances. Through NANOVOLC, I will integrate earth sciences with materials science and artificial intelligence to lift the veil on the process of nanolite formation and its role in magma failure. I will deliver a numerical model of magma ascent and eruption to forecast and quantify the impacts of explosive eruptions. To this end, I will i) perform in situ observations of nanolite formation in magmas, ii) build a unique magma fragmentation apparatus that will push the experimental boundaries explored so far, and iii) use artificial intelligence to support numerical model of non-linear volcanic processes. Beyond volcanology, NANOVOLC will provide fundamental understanding of nanocrystal formation in technical glasses, relevant to glass-ceramic industry.


Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 664 925,41
00185 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Research Organisations
€ 1 664 925,41

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