CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

"Creation of innovative ""humidity to electricity"" renewable energy conversion technology towards sustainable energy challenge"

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CATCHER (Creation of innovative "humidity to electricity" renewable energy conversion technology towards sustainable energy challenge)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-04-01 bis 2023-03-31

The CATCHER project developing innovative device that converts humidity into electricity suitable for general use. Such device capture electricity from atmospheric humidity like solar cell capture sunlight. The successful realization of the project is assured by implementation of knowledge sharing of professionals in material science, physics, nanoelectronics, green chemistry, nanoengineering, sustainability and research marketing via international and inter-sector collaboration of highly qualified research and business from Portugal, Belgium, Austria, Spain and Ukraine.
Both technological and fundamental (e.g. device fabrication, power generation), and impact (economic and society) issues will be assessed by this multidisciplinary consortium.
The project will develop substantiated principles of a new type of renewable energy source and technology to use it. Within the CATCHER project, the consortium will implement research and innovation activities to enhance and optimize the results obtained under H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 project HUNTER GA n691010, where are the main concept, were used to create humidity-to-electricity technology conversion basis. Thus, obtained test prototype generates 1.82 mW/cm2 power density.
Our target by the end of the project is bringing up the conversion technology validated/demonstrated at TRL 5 in lab-scale [in terms of optimal the Prototype design and efficient the current output of 15-20 mW/cm2] to the readiness for scaling up and integration with existed energy systems.
The proposed solution is expected to contribute to implementing the specific priorities for strengthening the EU leadership on renewables laid out in the Communication for Accelerating Clean Energy Innovation. Sharing the culture of research and innovation, the CATCHER project will allow applying recent advancements in nanotechnology science and engineering to address DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) and EU Re-thinking 2050 strategy.
During the first 12 months of the project lifetime all the efforts has been directed on main S&T tasks development under Work Packages WP1 “Technological Advancement of the “Humidity to Electricity” Prototype” and WP2 “Fundamental knowledge Advancement of the “humidity to electricity” concept-driven research” implementation in accordance with plan.
Under WP1 following tasks have been started:
- Task 1.1. Development and Optimization of the Innovative nano-structured Active Coating of the “humidity to electricity” converter;
- Task 1.2. Development and Optimization of the Innovative nano-structured humidity to electricity converter Functional Porous Block “Quantum Diode” structure;
- Task 1.3 Development and Optimization of Functional absorber layer (membrane);
Under WP1 following tasks have been started:
- Task 2.1. Materials & devices structural and morphological properties characterization;
- Task 2.2 Determination the adsorption capacity& energy transfer towards water vapor;
- Task 2.3. Theoretical model for optimal system parameters elaboration;
- Task 2.4 Characterization of the electrical properties under different humidity levels.
It should be noted that these tasks are still ongoing thus, the conclusive results will made by the tasks development in full. Nevertheless, it can be stated that currently one of the main challenges for the Humidity to Electricity conversion technology namely, cyclicity has been overcome. Thus, our conversion technology can continuously generate electric power at ambient conditions and doesn’t require humidity or any other physical gradients or drying to be operated. Moreover, all performed up to date activities allowed led to ca. 5 times electrical output enhancement from planned 10 times.
Within 1st year or the project implementation Work Package (WP) 1 “Technological Advancement of the “Humidity to Electricity” Prototype” months 1-34 and WP2 “Fundamental knowledge Advancement of the “humidity to electricity” concept-driven research” months 1-40 are ongoing actions, WP3 “Proof of Technological Feasibility of the “Humidity to Electricity” Concept” months 12-44 is just started action, while WP5 “Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication” months 1-48 and WP6 “Management” months 1-48 continuous actions on project dissemination and coordination, which goes in accordance to the plan described in Annex 1 to the Grant Agreement. This activity was performed by 17 researchers used 110.92 person months (PMs) of from total 544 PMs planned for entire project lifetime which corresponds to 20.5% of implementation.

Results beyond the state of art
During RP1, Lab scale Prototype "Humidity to Electricity" Convertor Device was further elaborated, main emphasis was done to the device functional design to ensure targeted efficiency for the electricity production, estimated as power output produced by 1m2 of the active surface of the device
the targeted value are comparable with the best know for the production capacity of the solar cells panels
We launched the project Startup CASCASCATACHUVA Ltd (PT), which is the leader of the project R&I and project results exploitation & business' plan development, go- to the market strategy elaboration and related aspects
Next steps foreseen is preparatory work towards real-scale Engineering Prototype elaboration followed by its Demonstration in real scale (several Demo runs is already scheduled/foreseen/are under negotiation in cooperation/contact with the stakeholders interested in the project results )
We are looking for the supportive regulatory and standardization framework (application of the CATCHER project for the EU Regulatory Blockchain Sandbox is submitted , results are expected by July 2023)
We are developed the IP protection roadmap with the help Horizon IP Scan and currently we are following the planned actions, such as

1. First generation of the “humidity to electricity” device - planar Converter: Patent [PCT/UA2019/000147] - CASCATACHUVA
2. Second generation – Porous Blocks: Patent Drafted
3. Trade secret – ZrO2-based nanomaterials synthesis and manufacturing NRD

1. Branding
2. Patent for design
3. Third generation device