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Deep U-tube heat exchanger breakthrough: combining laser and cryogenic gas for geothermal energy exploitation

Descrizione del progetto

Uno scambiatore di calore innovativo promette di portare il geotermico ovunque

Un accesso facile a risorse geotermiche profonde per il riscaldamento e l’energia è fondamentale al fine di accelerare la decarbonizzazione degli approvvigionamenti energetici in Europa. Il progetto DeepU, finanziato dall’UE, intende rendere l’energia geotermica accessibile praticamente ovunque fornendo un’energia con carico di base stabile e ininterrotta, così da raggiungere gli obiettivi in materia di riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 a livello globale. Lo scopo finale è quello di estrarre energia dal sottosuolo utilizzando un collegamento profondo a circuito chiuso a forma di scambiatore con tubo a U, mediante la combinazione di un gas laser criogenico in un’unica soluzione di perforazione tecnologica. Questa tecnologia innovativa liquefarà e vetrificherà le rocce, lasciando il foro di trivellazione pronto per lo scambio di calore immediatamente in seguito alla perforazione.


The future disruptive technology envisioned in “Deep U-tube heat exchanger breakthrough: combining laser and cryogenics gas for geothermal energy exploitation (DeepU)” Project is expected to revolutionize the deep geothermal energy sector. The ultimate goal is to create a deep (>4 km) closed-loop connection in the shape of a U-tube exchanger, combining laser and cryogenic gas in a single technological drilling solution. Specific temperature control analysis and innovative laser lenses able to convey the heat and to sustain multilateral drilling will be developed alongside the U-tube creation, guaranteeing liquefaction and vitrification of the rocks from ground surface to greater depths. Then, a U-tube system ready to exchange heat with the underground becomes the main tool to exploit or store geothermal energy, meeting energy needs in power and thermal energy production. Hence, DeepU project targets a novel and ambitious science-to technology breakthrough in the field of geothermal exploitation. The overall aim is the creation in laboratory of a vitrified, waterproof, non-cracked U-tube exchanger for different kind of rocks. This will be achieved by a laser drill head combined with special drill strings sustaining the coupled action of laser and cryogenic gas, responsible for melting, evaporating and cooling even the hardest rocks. Then, (i) the physical-thermal phenomena affecting the rocks, (ii) an evaluation of the legislative aspects and environmental standard related to the innovation proposed, (iii) the modelling of the DeepU geothermal exploitation potential considering some virtual case studies will be assessed. The high-risk innovation proposed has the potential to make geothermal energy systems accessible anywhere in a targeted and demand-oriented manner, offering a complimentary approach and an alternative solution to traditional energy storage and production, decentralizing the power supply also in areas where this is currently deemed uneconomic.

Meccanismo di finanziamento



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 484 854,50
35122 Padova

Mostra sulla mappa

Nord-Est Veneto Padova
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 484 854,50

Partecipanti (6)