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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Patterns of Spontaneous Activity in the Assembly and Rewiring of Functional Sensory Circuits


Studie untersucht, wie sich die Sinne spezialisieren

Neuere Studien haben ergeben, dass spontane Aktivität im unreifen Gehirn die korrekte Bildung neuronaler Schaltkreise steuert. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SPONTSENSE wird nun erforschen, wie die Muster spontaner Aktivität die Spezifizierung sensorischer Kortexe und die langfristige Plastizität beeinflussen. Im Rahmen der Projektarbeit wird die Interaktion einzigartiger Muster spontaner Aktivität mit transkriptionellen Programmen in verschiedenen sensorischen Bereichen untersucht, um deren sensorische Funktion bei normaler Entwicklung und unter benachteiligenden Bedingungen näher zu beschreiben. SPONTSENSE wird das Verständnis der Entwicklung sensorischer Verschaltungen verbessern und neues Wissen über die Plastizität des Gehirns nach sensorischen Defekten liefern. Die Projektergebnisse werden neue Therapien zur Bekämpfung von Störungen auf den Weg bringen, die auf eine beeinträchtigte Reizeinströmung zurückzuführen sind.


It is commonly held that spontaneous activity in the immature brain prepares the neural circuits to process sensory information at the onset of experience. The best studied patterns of such activity are those observed postnatally in rodents, during stages that resemble the last months of gestation in humans. However, the features and functions of spontaneous activity at earlier stages, when the brain’s foundations are laid down and cortical areal identities are acquired, remain largely unknown. Here, I propose to develop an extensive and creative research program aimed at understanding the role of the patterns of spontaneous activity in the specification of sensory cortices and long-term plasticity. This novel line of research is founded on strong preliminary results and pursues the hypothesis that different cortical sensory territories exhibit unique patterns of spontaneous activity that interact with emerging area-specific transcriptional programs to specify sensory areas functionally. We will first extract the earliest patterns of spontaneous activity from cortical and subcortical territories in embryonic and perinatal mice in vivo and study their concurrent spatiotemporal genetic signatures by single-cell transcriptomics. Next, we will perturb these early activity patterns within a specific sensory modality to reveal if such perturbation modifies the genetic landscape and affects sensory identity. Finally, we will evaluate the behavioural consequences of functional cortical re-specification in adult mice. SPONTSENSE will set the stage to understand the principles of sensory circuit development and shed new light on the brain plasticity following sensory defects. I envisage that this information will pave the way to devise strategies that may serve to direct these programs of plasticity in clinical situations as when sensory input has been compromised.


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€ 1 980 290,00
28006 Madrid

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
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€ 2 494 220,00

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