Descripción del proyecto
Demostración de las ventajas del amoníaco como combustible para el transporte marítimo sin emisiones de carbono
Acelerar la descarbonización del transporte marítimo es un pilar fundamental del Pacto Verde Europeo y de la consecución de la neutralidad en carbono para 2050. El amoníaco (NH3) «verde» ha ido ganando interés en la última década como combustible para el transporte. A diferencia de los hidrocarburos convencionales basados en combustibles fósiles, el NH3 no tiene átomos de carbono, por lo que su combustión no genera emisiones de CO2. El equipo del ambicioso proyecto Ammonia2-4, financiado con fondos europeos, creará y demostrará un motor marino de combustible dual de cuatro tiempos y otro de dos tiempos que funcionarán con NH3 como combustible principal. El de cuatro tiempos será un motor nuevo, mientras que el de dos tiempos puede ser una readaptación de cualquier motor de dos tiempos disponible en el mercado. Los dos motores tienen potencial para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en al menos un 80 %, incluidas las de óxido nitroso.
The overall aim of the Ammonia2-4 project is to demonstrate at full scale two types of dual fuel marine engines running on ammonia as main fuel: (i) a four-stroke and (ii) a two-stroke engine. The proposed four-stroke innovation is a newbuild 10MW engine to be demonstrated in lab conditions closely mimicking real-life operations in ambient conditions. The proposed two-stroke innovation is a medium-pressure ammonia fuel injection platform that can be retrofitted onto any two-stroke marine engine available in the market today. It will be demonstrated in the project at two stages: a lab demonstration followed by retrofitting onto a container vessel of the alpha customer MSC. Both engine innovations are expected to result in at least 80% less GHG emissions (including nitrous oxide emissions), NOx emissions below IMO Tier III regulations and a negligible ammonia slip below 10ppm. By demonstrating both engine types at full scale the project partners are aiming for commercial exploitation of the project results towards more than 90% of the maritime intercontinental transport in terms of gross tonnage, including retrofits and newbuilds to enter the fleet within the next ten years. It is expected that both Ammonia2-4 innovations will lead to an annual reduction of CO2 emitted by deep sea vessels calling at EU ports by 2.3 million tons, and reduce the emissions of harmful pollutants such as SOx by 15 tons annually. The project will go beyond purely technological developments and investigate a number of non-technical aspects crucial for a successful uptake of ammonia as marine fuel: health & safety, ammonia supply infrastructure, crew training & acceptance, but also novel standardisation pathways for regulating emissions from ammonia marine engines.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation ActionsCoordinador
34018 San Dorligo Della Valle