CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

SCALE - Smart Charging ALignment for Europe


Vehicle-to-everything-Lösungen der nächsten Stufe

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SCALE verfolgt das Ziel, die intelligente Ladeinfrastruktur auszuweiten und die Massenproduktion von Elektrofahrzeugen zu ermöglichen. Das Projekt wird Unsicherheiten rund um das intelligente Laden, interoperable und V2X-Lösungen (Vehicle-to-everything) abschwächen, ungeachtet dessen, ob diese technischer, organisatorischer, wirtschaftlicher, sozialer oder politischer Natur sind. Darüber hinaus wird es ein neues Energieökosystem mitformen, in dem die Flexibilität von Elektrofahrzeugbatterien ausgenutzt wird. Ein Konsortium aus 29 Partnern, das aus führenden europäischen Städten, Universitäten und Wissenspartnern, Ladeinfrastrukturanbietern, Vorreitern in der Elektrofahrzeugindustrie und vielen mehr besteht, wird das Projekt leiten.


SCALE will enable and facilitate the mass deployment of electric vehicles and the accompanying smart charging infrastructure. To do so, SCALE will systematically assess customer expectations, identifying EV-users’ preferences, existing obstacles and potential incentives to charge smartly. By this, SCALE ensures co-creation and -optimisation, preparing for an open smart charging & V2X eco-system that equally benefits users, cities & regions, businesses, and society at large. SCALE brings together leading existing research & innovation initiatives and smart charging demonstration testbeds from across Europe forming a unique knowledge & collaboration platform. The consortium builds upon existing technologies, standards, and protocols as much as possible and focuses on research and developments of the missing and/or incomplete elements and links. The 29 project partners and associated organisations have been carefully selected and have all the necessary scientific, practical, and technical expertise to develop, test & validate and exploit smart charging & V2X solutions. Partners cover the entire value chain and comprise of leading European OEMs, DSO/ TSOs, CPOs, e-mobility service providers, public authorities, research & knowledge partners, EV user associations and European networks & multipliers. Multiple SCALE consortium partners are directly involved in EC’s European Alternative Fuels Observatory & other important European e-mobility initiatives (STF, Clean Bus Europe). SCALE creates a critical mass to develop the technological, regulatory, organisational and legal readiness that is needed for a mass-market. SCALE will initiate a Joint European Procurement for V2X chargers based on open standards, run by 5 European cities. The Open V2X Alliance ensures SCALE’s legacy during and after the project’s lifetime.


€ 869 000,00
6827 AV Arnhem

Auf der Karte ansehen

Oost-Nederland Gelderland Arnhem/Nijmegen
Research Organisations
€ 869 000,00

Beteiligte (28)