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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Infectious Disease decision-support tools and Alert systems to build climate Resilience to emerging health Threats


Ein Europa gestalten, das neuen Gesundheitsbedrohungen robust begegnen kann

Das Risiko klimabedingter Krankheiten ist durchaus realistisch. Der Klimawandel ist eine von vielen Triebkräften für wiederkehrende Krankheitsausbrüche. Politikgestaltende und Entscheidungstragende benötigen deshalb maßgeschneiderte Informationen, Frühwarnungen und Folgenabschätzungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt IDAlert das neue Auftreten und die Übertragung von zoonotischen Krankheitserregern untersuchen und in diesem Rahmen innovative Frühwarnsysteme und Instrumente für Entscheidungstragende und neue Indikatoren entwickeln. Die politisch relevanten, europaweiten Indikatoren des Projekts werden frühere, gegenwärtige und künftige klimainduzierte Krankheitsrisiken in verschiedenen Risiko-, Expositions- und Anfälligkeitsbereichen an der Schnittstelle Tier, Mensch und Umwelt verfolgen. Die Ergebnisse werden den Weg ebnen, um die Klimapolitik der EU langfristig zu prägen und neue Werkzeuge für den europäischen Green Deal bereitzustellen.


Climate change is one of several drivers of recurrent outbreaks and geographical range expansion of zoonotic infectious diseases in Europe. Policy and decision-makers need tailored monitoring of climate-induced disease risk, and decision-support tools for timely early warning and impact assessment for proactive preparedness and timely responses. The abundance of open data in Europe allows the establishment of more effective, accessible, and cost-beneficial prevention and control responses. IDAlert will co-create novel policy-relevant pan-European indicators that track past, present, and future climate-induced disease risk across hazard, exposure, and vulnerability domains at the animal, human and environment interface. Indicators will be sub-national, and disaggregated through an inequality lens. We will generate tools to assess cost-benefit of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures across sectors and scales, to reveal novel policy entry points and opportunities. Surveillance, early warning and response systems will be co-created and prototyped to increase health system resilience at regional and local levels, and explicitly reduce socio-economic inequality. Indicators and tools will be co-produced through multilevel engagement, innovative methodologies, existing and new data streams and citizen science, taking advantage of intelligence generated from selected hotspots in Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Bangladesh that are experiencing rapid urban transformation and heterogeneous climate-induced disease threats. For implementation, IDAlert has assembled European authorities in climate modelling, infectious disease epidemiology, social sciences, environmental economics, One Health and EcoHealth. Further, by engaging critical stakeholders from the start, IDAlert will ensure long-lasting impacts on EU climate policy, and provide new evidence and tools for the European Green Deal to strengthen population health resilience to climate change.


€ 1 452 500,00
901 87 Umea

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€ 1 452 500,00

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