Innovativer Schalter als Lösung des Quantencomputer-Kabelproblems
Quantencomputer können neue Durchbrüche in Wissenschaft und Technik vorantreiben sowie Probleme lösen, an denen die Computer unserer Gegenwart scheitern. Die geringe Anzahl der Qubits, die von der Hardware unterstützt werden kann, und die große Anzahl der erforderlichen Kabel verhindern bisher, dass die Technologie stärker den Markt durchdringt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SPECTRUM wird nun eine Technologie erarbeiten, bei der mehrere Qubits wesentlich einfacher über dasselbe Kabel gesteuert werden. Die Forschenden werden einen Schalter entwickeln, dessen supraleitender Kern bei Frequenzen arbeitet, die mit klassischen elektronischen Halbleiterbauelementen nicht realisierbar sind, und der nahezu keine Verlustleistung aufweist. Mit dem neuen Schalter lassen sich gleichermaßen die Ausfallzeiten, die Kosten und den Gesamtplatzbedarf der Hardware verringern.
Despite the high expectations and numerous announcements that have been made over the past ten years, the spread of Quantum Computers (QCs) is still in its infancy. The major factors limiting the diffusion and market penetration of QCs are their low scalability and high cost. Both issues are connected to the bulkiness and complexity of the signal lines that operate the QC. The required large amount of cables undermine the scalability and decrease the thermal stability of the Quantum Processing Units (QPUs). With this project, we aim to increase the scalability and reduce the thermal issues of QPU developing a radiofrequency (RF) switch, QueSt, that allow to simultaneously control the state of multiple qubits through the same cable. QueSt goes well beyond what is achieved with state-of-the-art electronics that typically provide bulky, slowly and energy inefficient solutions. The core component of QueSt is an all-metallic superconducting transistor-controlled via gate voltages. This transistor exploits the peculiar characteristics of a superconducting material to work at frequencies (~1 THz) unachievable with classical semiconductor electronic components and with nearly zero power dissipation.
During SPECTRUM we are going to build a complete test platform QueSt devices. The state-of-the-art nanofabricated prototype of QueSt will be tested in a custom made cryostat able to unleash the true potential of this technology. Furthermore, ultra-fast FPGA-based electronics will take the case of the control of multiple switches, providing an affordable and performant control over the prototype. This platform will be the environment in which QueSt will be studied at strict contact with the state of the art Quantum Processing Units. The experiments performed in real Quantum Computer under the EU-funded Spectrum project will be the first step to the true Quantum Revolution.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- HORIZON.3.1 - The European Innovation Council (EIC) Main Programme
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