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Personalised Health cognitive assistance for RehAbilitation SystEm

Descrizione del progetto

Interventi individualizzati per la riabilitazione post-ictus

La prevalenza di ictus rappresenta un onere clinico, economico e sociale ingente a livello mondiale. La compromissione, in particolare degli arti superiori, e le funzioni comunicative e cognitive sono le principali cause di disabilità in seguito a un ictus. Sebbene la riabilitazione possa contribuire a ridurre le compromissioni, il percorso di recupero comprende numerose lacune sul piano del trattamento e delle informazioni. Inoltre, i programmi di riabilitazione non sono disponibili per tutti i pazienti e i tradizionali approcci non sfruttano i dati di questi ultimi lungo il percorso clinico. Il progetto PHRASE, finanziato dal CEI, creerà un canale di dati che integri le migliori conoscenze scientifiche a disposizione e garantisca la prognosi e i protocolli di intervento più efficienti per l’ictus e le malattie connesse al cervello. L’obiettivo principale consiste nello sviluppo di soluzioni di prognosi e intervento per massimizzare gli esiti del paziente, democratizzare l’accessibilità alle cure e ridurre i costi sanitari.


Stroke-caused cognitive and neuromotor impairment is currently an increasing burden: post-stroke deficits are commonly believed to be treated with rehabilitation. Direct medical costs of stroke are stimated to increase up to 94.3 billion USD only in US. The indirect costs, including non-healthcare costs, are estimated at 15.9 billion. The journey towards recovery includes several stages, from hospitalization to in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation and the subsequent return to home. Not everyone has access to rehabilitation programs, and the gains of them tend to deteriorate after hospital discharge. Focused stroke rehabilitation reduces long-term disability and the economic burden of stroke and supports prevention by lessening modifiable risks. The objective of PHRASE (Personalised Health cognitive assistance for RehAbilitation SystEm) is to create a workflow that integrates the best available scientific knowledge and obtain an efficient prognosis and intervention protocols for stroke and other brain-related diseases. It will not only allow to treat stroke-caused impairments better and more efficiently, but also it is a potential treatment for other neurological diseases like dementia, aphasia and PSCI, depression or multiple sclerosis. Eodyne's PHRASE will be based on RGS previous technology, developing its Technology Readiness Level. The present consortium brings together a comprehensive group of highly qualified experts. So that Eodyne can successfully produce prognosis and intervention individualized protocols, EBRAINS will be the brain database and Charité will provide with its brain models for the combination of data brain. SPECS-Lab will bring its knowledge in cognitive rehabilitation and will act as clinical coordinator, while Saddlepoint Science brings the expertise to implement the AI tools for continuous improvement of the intervention protocols.

Meccanismo di finanziamento



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 226 890,00
08019 Barcelona

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 226 890,00

Partecipanti (4)