CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Recycling of end of life battery packs for domestic raw material supply chains and enhanced circular economy

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BATRAW (Recycling of end of life battery packs for domestic raw material supply chains and enhanced circulareconomy)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-05-01 bis 2023-10-31

BATRAW main objective is to develop and demonstrate two innovative pilot systems for sustainable recycling and end of life management of EV batteries, domestic batteries, and battery scraps contributing to the generation of secondary streams of strategically important CRMs and battery RMs. The first pilot will deliver innovative technologies and processes for dismantling of battery packs achieving recovery of 95% of battery pack components and separating waste streams including cells and modules by semi-automated processes for recycling. BATRAW's second pilot will scale and demonstrate efficient pre-treatment and continuous hydrometallurgical recycling of battery cells and modules including innovative steps for C-graphite, Al and Cu separation from black mass and Mn extraction, achieving a recovery of the full range of battery RMs (Co, Ni, Mn, Li, C-graphite, Al and Cu) at selectivity of 90-98%. Innovations will be scaled and demonstrated in a pilot system with recycling capacity of 1 ton lithium-ion battery (LIB) packs dismantled per shift (8 hours) and treat 300 kg BM per day. BATRAW outcomes are of strategic importance within the prospects of the exponentially growing EU battery market and reducing EU import dependency of CRMs. The project will further promote the overall sustainability and circularity of battery products and raw materials by developing new procedures for battery repair and reuse, enabling faster diagnostics and conversion of EV packs into second life batteries, delivering eco-design guidelines for battery manufacturing, demonstrating blockchain platform for raw material tracking and supply chain transparency (Battery Passport) and delivering guidelines for safe transports and handling of battery waste. The project aims to maximize market uptake and impact through ambitious C&D&E plan including circular business models, innovations workshops, dissemination in EU platforms, policy briefs and other strategies to reach markets and stakeholders.
From May 2022 to October 2023, a concept of a Product Passport has been developed using its block chain infrastructure. A total of 4 full battery packs, and more than 40 modules has been transferring between the partners to cover their activities on repair, disassembly, and pre-mechanical treatment. Partners also focused on the development of a methodology for second life applications of EV batteries, designing a tool for the characterization of the SoH of the batteries and modules in 15 minutes. A prototype for a second life energy storage system has been produced from EV battery consisting in a cabinet of 80 kWh. Battery repair and modules replacement has been successfully achieved for 3 EV models above 14 studied. A risk analysis was performed to anticipate, prevent, detect and act on mechanical, thermal, and electrical possible issues from vehicle to cell, safe deactivation and handling. Principal focus on the first period was on the manual deactivation and dismantling. All the components were inventoried, and the protocols served as guidelines reported on D3.3. SQL database, that includes relevant information of different battery packs. Besides, and AI algorithm was developed considering the dismantling steps. An artificial vision model was implemented and trained for screw detection. An evaluation of the robot’s tools for dismantling was also performed. An analysis of all the compounds and the different treatment routes was carried and determined that 81% of compounds could be recycled. This analysis does not consider the modules dismantled. Innovative process deactivation of EV battery cells and modules based on inert fluid were successfull. Inert crushing and mechanical separation have been also successful at pilot level and produced different black mass samples. Current work is dedicated to the separation of graphite and cathode materials using flotation.. Electro-hydraulic fragmentation has been realized as innovative delamination approach for discharged domestic batteries and reach to extract high purity black mass from this stream. The leaching and recovery of Mn from black mass has been optimized for different NMC chemistries. ChCl-based Deep Eutectic Solvents as inorganic acid alternative has been evaluated for black mass leaching. The performances of the solvent extraction process for the recovery of Co and Mn have been evaluated at micro pilot level. The process parameters were optimized and recovery yields of greater than 99 % were obtained for the recovery of Mn and Co. The process was validated for scraps and optimisation is currently underway for conventional black mass. Besides, liquid membranes and flat and hollow fiber Polymer Inclusion Membranes (PIMs) for Co and Ni recovery were developed. A screening of extractants and feed/strip solutions conditions was also carried out. Li recovery process using electrochemical technology is currently studied under a flow system. The synthesis of reference materials LNMO, NMC811 and NMC91/21/2. NMC91/21/2 have been upscaled up to 100Kg using recycled sulphates, as well. Recycled RMs will be also use in other pigment for printed electronic industry. An eco-design macro rules document is available that considers parameters such as time saving, cost saving and environmental impacts. A first version policies’ inventory has been created related to collection, transport, repair, reuse and recycling of batteries. The mapping of the processes has been started at project level and at pilot level to define BATRAW’s circular business models.
Fast tool for SoH estimation in 15 minutes with a RMSE of 0.604% has been developed for NMC based technology and available for LMO. This tool will allow to decrease the time to process the battery for their evaluation for the second life or recycling together with discharge deactivation processes. An open public product passport digital platform has been built and implement with BATRAW sample exchange from batteries to chemicals and record all partners data along the value chain accordingly LCA template input, directive and other EU regulations ( Improvements in the upstream separation of graphite and cathode materials has been leveraged. This is an essential innovation for the battery recycling industry, as no battery recycler can separate graphite during the pretreatment, but only during the hydrometallurgical treatment after the leaching stage. This makes it impossible to recover a good purity graphite and implies downcycling of this material. With the BATRAW approach, good quality graphite will be recovered early of the process, which could help to improve Europe's independence for this essential raw material and enable its reuse in the battery industry. Safe deactivation of the cell is studied with inert fluid to allow safe subsequent operation on cutting, separation and crushing. Tons of battery waste have been treated from production scraps, EoL EV battery and domestic batteries, by dry mechanical and wet/electrical treatment leading to different type of black mass to be treated by hydrometallurgical treatment. Upscaling of NMC91/21/2 Lithium-ion cathode active material has been demonstrated from recycled RMs and synthesis upscale at pilot level for 100L batch.
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