Descripción del proyecto
El futuro de la investigación e innovación del carbono del suelo
Los suelos son una enorme reserva de carbono. Como tal, es importante ampliar la conservación de las reservas de carbono del suelo, aumentarlas y aprovechar los beneficios colaterales para la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático. En este contexto, una primera acción de coordinación liderada por el Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agronómica, Alimentaria y Ambiental (INRAE, por sus siglas en francés) de Francia reunió a cientos de partes interesadas que formalizaron su interés en establecer un Consorcio Internacional de Investigación sobre el Carbono del Suelo. Ahora, el equipo del proyecto ORCaSa, financiado con fondos europeos, comenzará y desarrollará las fases operativas iniciales del Consorcio Internacional de Investigación sobre el Carbono del Suelo de manera que, para 2024, el Consorcio se haya establecido en una posición internacional como coordinador de investigación e innovación del carbono del suelo.
To reach the targets of the Paris Agreement commitments for land degradation neutrality, for biodiversity, and to support the EU Green Deal, Europe needs to join its research and innovation forces on soil carbon with those around the globe in a coordinated manner. To scale up efforts for conserving and increasing soil carbon stocks and harness the co-benefits for climate change mitigation and adaptation, soil health and food security international coordination of research efforts is essential. In this context the EC supported a 1st Coordination action (CIRCASA) led by INRAE which brought together over 100 key stakeholders and 500 scientists from around the world who formalised an interest in establishing an International Research Consortium (IRC) on Soil Carbon built around an initial strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) focusing on agricultural soils. Operationalising the IRC requires further mobilization of the international community of stakeholders working on agricultural soil carbon but also other land uses and therefore expanding the initial SRIA as well as developing with international funding bodies an implementation plan and a central knowledge platform offering services to this community.
The main goal of ORCaSa is therefore to launch and roll out the initial operational phases of the IRC on Soil Carbon so that by 2024 the IRC has established an international position as the coordinator of soil carbon research and innovation and related issues at global level offering a unique SRIA and implementation plan, supporting knowledge platform and enable the preparation of a disruptive low cost international recognized MRV system. To reach this overall goal, ORCaSa brings together European partners and 6 regional nodes covering the 5 continents around an ambitious 3-year work plan working hand in hand with the international every step of the way.
Ámbito científico
- natural sciencesearth and related environmental sciencessoil sciencesedaphology
- medical and health scienceshealth sciencesnutrition
- natural sciencesbiological sciencesecologyecosystems
- natural sciencesearth and related environmental sciencesatmospheric sciencesclimatologyclimatic changes
- social scienceseconomics and businesseconomicssustainable economy
Palabras clave
Convocatoria de propuestas
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HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinador
75007 Paris