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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Food Provision through Sustainable Farming Systems and Value Chains

Description du projet

Examiner l’agriculture durable grâce à des études de cas

Pour être durable, l’agriculture doit répondre aux besoins actuels de manière telle à ne pas compromettre la capacité des générations futures à répondre à leurs propres besoins. Le projet VISIONARY, financé par l’UE, entend améliorer la durabilité de l’agriculture en encourageant des pratiques plus écologiques, viables sur le plan économique et appropriées sur le plan socioculturel dans les systèmes de production alimentaire. Il mènera des études de cas au Danemark, en Allemagne, en Hongrie, en Italie, en Pologne, en Roumanie, en Espagne et au Royaume-Uni. VISIONARY examinera les différentes chaînes de valeur en tenant compte de la différence de complexité, des diverses voies de transition des politiques environnementales et des exemples actuels de systèmes agroalimentaires. Une attention particulière sera portée à l’adoption de l’agriculture biologique et à la production et à la consommation de plus de protéines végétales.


VISIONARY wants to make a difference in food system transitions, by identifying what factors underlie the path dependencies and ‘lock-ins’ in current unsustainable food systems, and showing how these can be overcome. VISIONARY will tackle both, policy and business shifts as drivers that are necessary to make a change at the system level. The project aims to improve the sustainability of agriculture by promoting practices in food production systems that are more environmentally friendly, economically viable and socio-culturally appropriate.
VISIONARY focuses on existing initiatives, practices and (policy) interventions (case studies) that are still niche or small-scale, and investigates the barriers to scaling up and out. Case studies cover value chain examples with a differing complexity, different environmental policy transitions pathways and existing agri-food system examples, namely the shift to organic farming and more plant-based protein production and consumption.
At its core, VISIONARY uses methods from experimental and behavioural economics to identify barriers and appropriate behavioural interventions (nudges, education, incentives) for farmers and consumers.
The novelty of VISIONARY lies in the combination of experimental methods with a systems thinking approach, considering the whole agri-food system as an influence on farmer decisions. The innovative combination of quantitative and qualitative data from a variety of methods is our important methodological contribution to more system based research. Comparability will be achieved by applying the same or similar methods across case studies in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Spain, Denmark and the UK.
In order to achieve improved capacities, for researchers in behavioural and experimental research, as well as for policy makers and value chain actors to, utilise such research, VISIONARY will work with these actors in Science-Policy-Interfaces set up alongside the case studies.



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 363 500,00
46022 Valencia

Voir sur la carte

Este Comunitat Valenciana Valencia/València
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 363 500,00

Participants (10)

Partenaires (2)