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Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes

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Data Management Plan (DMP) - update 1 (first reporting period)

Update of the first version of the DMP

Data Management Plan (DMP)

The Data Management Plan will be drafted covering the legal and financial aspects of primary and secondary data sources collected, harmonised or just generated by RUSTIK. It will describe the life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated. It will include information on the handling of RUSTIK data during & after the end of the research, which methodology will be applied to check data quality, whether data will be shared/made open access and how data will be updated and upgraded after the end of RUSTIK.

Report on guidelines for LL

Report containing the basic guidance for data collection methods, from primary and secondary sources, design of data bases, and indicators for impact assessment. The report is targeted to the persons responsible for the preparation of Living Lab activities, that will participate as well in its elaboration.

Report on rural proofing (RP): methodological aspects and implications for stakeholders

The report will be structured into five sections: a) the rural proofing’s role in the current European Rural Action Plan and Rural Pact; b) approaches and methods of RP in the different countries (a short survey); c) the functions that RP can be play at sub-regional/territorial level and which use can be proposed in the living laboratories; d) operational implications in terms of data and information sources.

Reports of Pilot Regions audits on data use and needs and transition policy challenges and opportunities

These will be short reports from each living lab to summarise their findings from the first cycle of work, taking stock of their data needs and challenges. CCRI will compile them into a single document with brief commentary on methods used. Further comparative analysis of the outputs will be developed in D2.2 (on data needs) and D4.2 (on challenges)

Comparative analysis of LL data needs investigations

Report containing LL data needs common to all LL and more specifically data needs for each LL Comparative analysis in relation to the specificities of each LL, in terms of the interest and feasibility (technical, financial, legal) of data.

Report on the operational use of data, indicators and evidence in the design and implementation of EU, MS and regional local transition policies.

The deliverable 4.1 targets to provide a “state of the art” overview of the operational use of indicators in a range of current policies, comprising climate change and environmental dimensions. This report is based on the results of WP1's conceptual work and an overview of WP2 indicators. Main task of the report is to support implementation of the WP3 and pave the way to mobilise the living lab (LL) method effectively across all 14 pilot regions. The report will provide an analysis of the roles of a range of forms of evidence in the design, monitoring and implementation of specific policies addressing the transitions, at EU, Member State, Regional and local level.

Synthesis report based on 14 narrative descriptions from the academic partners responsible for the Pilot Regions

Based on a standard outline proposed in Task 1.1, this deliverable aims to summarise the analysis of the 14 pilot regions. This report is structured into five sections: a) A short description of the pilot regions, concerning the main functions played by rural areas, the position against the three types of transitions; b) A first quantitative and qualitative analysis of the main functions and the dynamics under the different transitions through available indicators (demographic, economic, climate-environmental, infrastructural (including digital means) aspects); c) An inventory of currently available data/information, existing sources and main data gaps in this measurement attempt; d) An indicative list of modes of fulfilling the data gaps/needs; e) The relevant strategies of main stakeholders for the future and main concerned policy instruments.This report must be based on interviews of key actors, focus groups with local stakeholders involved in the LLs, inventory of current data and existing literature on the selected Pilot Regions.

Report on the methodological framework to define Functional Rural Areas and rural transitions

The report aims to define the concept of Functional Rural Area (FRA) and the differences/similarities with the current definitions of rural areas at the European level (including EU and non-EU countries). The report will be structured in four parts: a) The theoretical framework for analyzing the functions of rural areas; b) The current approaches to the functional area in the scientific and practical literature, with particular focus upon rural areas; d) Main proposals regarding the Functional Rural Areas and operational implications in terms of variables/indicators to be used and gaps to be filled; e) An indicative outline of the analysis of the 14 pilot regions to be conducted in Task 1.2.

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