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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

AcTivate and TRigger ACTors to deepen the function of Innovation Support Services


Curriculum of ISSs providers

D 1.4 will provide a repository of required skills and competencies needed by ISSs providers to capture grass roots ideas and bring them to fruition. D1.4 will focus on both the individual level of professionals and the organisational environment.

ISSs inventory

D1.2 will map the actors providing innovation support services in the 27 EU Member States and practical cases where innovation support has been successfully applied. D1.2 will be updated (M34, 60) to monitor the growth of ISS providers (and involve them in the project) and to identify new practical cases to learn from.

Development of training curricula and agreed delivery methods

A training programme will be developed and piloted and the results and recommendations for delivery presented in a written report including the methodology for determining the curricula and agreed delivery methods for rolling out the training to the set target groups.

Concept online SWOT

The concept will describe i) which particular strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have been identified for the online SWOT towards an enabling environment for innovation support methods and tools and ii) how the online SWOT will be operationalized and conducted.

MA handbook: monitoring, reporting, evaluating success of ISS measures in CAP AKIS plans I

This deliverable will describe a methodological framework, developed and tested with end-users, including appropriate approaches, tools, evaluation questions and indicators to monitor and evaluate ISS performance.

Survey of innovation generation and support methods and tools - framework, criteria and evaluation procedures

This report will describe the first step in creating the survey of inspiring innovation generation and support methods and tools that are used by a variety of AKIS actors all over Europe: a framework with criteria and evaluation procedures when selecting these methods and tools on which the project partners and multi-actor networks from WP2 can build on.

Report on DIY-lab 1 - First sighting report - structure and classification

This report describes the first DIY-lab taking place in Germany: starting point of sighting, structuring and first classifying and collecting methods and tools (m&t) from outside agriculture. It will include the minutes of the DIY-lab meeting with brainstorming, collection of regional existing methods and tools and the results of discussions, try-outs and lessons learned. All findings will be the starting point for each next DIY-lab as a learning system.

Conceptual grounds and common understanding: state of the art

Starting from the current literature and experiences, D1.1 will describe the characteristics of Innovation Support Services, providing a first easy-to-understand definition of the main specificities of ISS, identifying their main functions and giving an overview of the competencies that are required to provide Innovation Support Services.

Updated toolbox developed based on the i2connect project (facilitation for innovation systems) completed

The training materials and programmes developed will be brought together into a toolbox based on the work of the i2connect project. This will focus on training delivery practice (facilitation methods) which will be optimised for different countries with different cultural norms.

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