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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

AcTivate and TRigger ACTors to deepen the function of Innovation Support Services


Systeme zum Wissensaustausch für nachhaltige und kreislauforientierte Land- und Forstwirtschaft optimieren

Die Ansätze zum Wissensaustausch, Lernen und Innovation in der Landwirtschaft verändern sich rasant. Neue und bessere Methoden zum Wissensaustausch sind wichtig für eine nachhaltige Land- und Forstwirtschaft. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ATTRACTISS zielt darauf ab, die Kompetenzen, Ansätze, Instrumente und Governance-Modelle der Mitgliedstaaten für landwirtschaftliche Wissens- und Innovationssysteme auszubessern und einzurichten. So sollen einzelne Basisideen schnell durchgeführt und Lösungen für einen Übergang zu nachhaltigeren Land- und Forstwirtschaftssystemen gefunden werden. Das Projekt wird innovative Unterstützungsdienste und Agierende in diesem Bereich befähigen, Unterstützung für Verwaltungsdienste in den 27 Mitgliedstaaten und für neue Interessengruppen auf diesem Gebiet anbieten.


The objective of ATTRACTISS is to improve & embed competencies, approaches, instruments & governance models for Member States (MS) AKIS and specifically for Innovation Support Services (ISS) as a crucial AKIS actor, to enable them accelerating individual grassroots innovative ideas to come to fruition & to generate solutions for the transition process to more sustainable agriculture & forestry. ATTRACTISS has the goals to (1) empower ISS & all AKIS actors, through capacity building & provision of effective methods & supportive tools, to discover innovative ideas & enable uptake in a co-creative way thereby fostering AKIS ecosystem building to support the transition to sustainable and circular agriculture & forestry systems (2) support Managing Authorities (MA) in all EU MS to organise & monitor efficient support for ISS; & (3) provide support for new actors in AKIS processes to better facilitate co-creation approaches involving farming, practitioners & research centres. ATTRACTISS achieves these goals by (1) setting up an EU wide network for ISSs that allows to connect, develop common understanding, vision & capacities about their roles & functions within the AKIS. This ultimately leads to the development of an ecosystem in favor of Multi-Actor Approaches (MAA) & innovative projects; (2) building upon and giving continuity to other previous initiatives to focus on ISSs & broaden the networks; (3) systematizing the current databases & tools for ISSs to provide a unique virtual location for tools & guidelines to support best practice; (4) providing a step change in the provision of support & training for key actors in MAA & ISS across MS which builds knowledge, understanding & confidence in the practical delivery & benefits of these approaches; & (5) enabling institutional dialogue among ISSs & MAs based on enhanced understanding of the potential to organize ISS in a way that will lead to targeted CAP interventions for the integration of ISS within the AKIS.


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