Descrizione del progetto
Promuovere la gioia della ricerca a Madrid
La Notte europea dei ricercatori (ERN) si tiene ogni anno in varie città europee con l’obiettivo di mostrare l’impatto della scienza e della ricerca in modi divertenti e stimolanti. Finanziato dal programma di azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie, il progetto MADRIDNIGHT organizzerà gli eventi ERN 2022-2023 a Madrid, che si terranno l’ultimo venerdì e sabato di settembre. Gli eventi sono rivolti ai cittadini di ogni età e provenienza, con particolare attenzione all’incoraggiare gli studenti a considerare una carriera nel campo della scienza. Le attività che si svolgeranno durante tutto l’anno includeranno visite di ricercatori presso le scuole e visite di studenti e insegnanti presso i luoghi di lavoro dei ricercatori. L’obiettivo è trasmettere il messaggio che la scienza e la ricerca sono attività entusiasmanti e accessibili a tutti.
The European Researchers' Night in Madrid will bring together researchers to the general public and will increase awareness of the importance and benefits of research and innovation, creating an understanding of the impact of researchers' work on citizen's daily life, and raising young people’s interest in science and research careers.
The project will achieve these objectives by means of festive activities to be carried out in the Region of Madrid in the morning and evening of the last Friday and Saturday of September 2022-2023. Pre events and post events will be also organized. The Madrid Night project also includes Researchers at Schools activities throughout the year. In these activities, researchers will be visiting schools, allowing teachers and pupils to engage with them on important topics faced by our societies, such as those included in the missions in Horizon Europe: cancer, adaptation to climate change, healthy oceans, seas coastal and inland waters, climate-neutral and smart cities and soil health and food. Students and teachers will also visit the researchers’ workplaces.
The MADRIDNIGHT activities will be addressed to public at large, science-addicts and science-reluctant, children, families, teachers, elderly, people regardless their scientific background with a special focus on families, pupils, and students, with the main purpose of encouraging STEM subjects and science careers, university students and also vocational education and training students. Different activities will be offered focused on the missions in Horizon Europe. The project will involve researchers, benefited by EU funds, especially the MSCA. The activities will point out the transnational and diversity aspects of research, showing the attractiveness of their jobs that can be done everywhere in Europe.
Universities, research centres, museums, hospitals, NGOs, foundations and Industry (Spin offs, SME or Large Companies) in the Region of Madrid will be at the core of the project.
Parole chiave
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinatore
28003 Madrid