Brücken schlagen in der Wissenschaft
Die Wissenschaft hilft uns bei der Entwicklung neuer Technologien und Anwendungen und ist ein Weg, um Ideen auszutauschen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ScieneSCool zielt darauf ab, die Bedeutung der Wissenschaft im täglichen Leben zu fördern und Verbindungen zwischen Forschenden und Teilnehmenden zu erleichtern. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Programm eingeführt, das Wissenschaft und Unterhaltung miteinander verknüpft, darunter eine Schatzsuche, Tage des offenen Labors und die Mobilisierung von Forschungsteams in ländlichen Gebieten, um die Teilnehmenden in Experimente einzubeziehen. Das Hauptthema von ScienceSCool ist der Klimawandel, wobei ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf der Förderung der Beteiligung junger Menschen liegt.
"“Science on the move - from lab to streets & school” (ScienceSCool) is a two-year project to be organized around the theme ""Life in a science bulb (2022)/Life outside the science bulb (2023)"" by the Faculty of Physical Chemistry and Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering in 12 cities and several rural areas in Serbia.
The objective of the project is to point out the importance of science for everyday life and to break the prejudice related to researchers by enabling direct contact between participants and researchers through attractive program that combines science and entertainment. At the same time, researchers’ awareness of the public’s concerns related to their work will be raised.
The main topic of the project would be climate changes in accordance with the both EU and UN missions and goals, with special attention directed towards young audience in accordance with 2022 being the Year of European Youth. The pre/post-event activities to be organized will include Science Vans – mobile teams of researchers dispatched to rural areas to perform hands on experiments with participants. The event activities will include Treasure Hunt (a set of hands on experiments whose successful completion leads to a scientific award), and Open Day/Lab, that became “trademarks” of the SCIMFONICOM project during the years. New activities such as SCI-Circus and Fascination by Innovation will also be organised. Furthermore, a special activity will be organized giving opportunities for successful researchers of Serbia that won grants within highly competitive European calls to present their projects and their research.
Cultural and educational institutions including Belgrade City Library, Center for Talents and Institute Servantes, are supporting the project."
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
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