CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted VLC for battery-free IoT devices


Auf dem Weg zu batterielosen IoT-Geräten

Die Nachfrage nach drahtlosen Datendiensten und Energiequellen steigt, und dieser Schub ist weitgehend auf die Fortschritte in der IoT-Gerätetechnologie zurückzuführen. Da jedoch die Zahl der IoT-Geräte in den kommenden Jahren weltweit auf zig Milliarden ansteigen dürfte, bestehen Bedenken hinsichtlich der chemischen Elemente, die aus unsachgemäß entsorgten Batterien in die Umwelt gelangen. Das über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt RISA-VLC wird den Weg für batterielose IoT-Geräte ebnen. Mithilfe intelligenter reflektierender Oberflächen (die die elektromagnetische Ausbreitung neu konfigurieren) streben die Forschenden an, die Ausbreitungskanäle der Kommunikation mit sichtbarem Licht zu verändern.


The vast development of smart communication devices for the Internet of Things (IoT) is incurring an ever-increasing demand of wireless data services and energy sources. It is expected to witness a growth of connected IoT devices in the next few years, reaching up to tens of billions. Currently, these devices rely on batteries for its operation, but the battery recycling is a delicate matter that has a negative environmental impact due to their chemical components. Thus, it is reasonable to think that future communication systems must comply with energy-efficiency standards by minimizing the use of batteries, and then reduce its carbon footprint.
The main objective of RISA-VLC is to enable battery-free IoT devices by engineering, thanks to reflective intelligent surfaces (RIS), the propagation channel of the Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology. To this end, I will retrofit the pervasive deployment of indoor LEDs to provide a robust communication link and an enhanced light power received at IoT devices. In the outgoing phase at University of Virginia I will characterize RIS to perform the additional channel path, which I will also model. Then, I will study its effect in the communication and lighting performance. In the return phase at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid I will research novel signal-processing and communication techniques to exploit the manageable channel proposed during the outgoing phase. Besides, I will establish guidelines for creating battery-free VLC-enabled IoT devices. The training activities proposed are fundamental for the achievement of RISA-VLC and my personal career goals.
RISA-VLC guarantees a three-way transfer of knowledge since it combines my past experience in theoretical VLC techniques and VLC prototyping, with supervisors' expertise on optimization of systems, VLC reflection exploitation and advanced signal processing and communication techniques.


€ 261 380,64
28903 Getafe (Madrid)

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
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