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Low capillary number flow in phase change porous media: permeability and liquid water capacity of snow.


Modellierung der Fließbewegungen von Wasser durch Schnee

Die Fähigkeit von Wasser, durch Schnee zu fließen, wirkt sich auf saisonale Überschwemmungen und die Gletscherhydrologie aus, kann je nach der Mikrostruktur des Schnees allerdings stark variieren. Das durch die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt SnowMagnet wird das heutige Verständnis dieser Variationen ausweiten, indem es mithilfe der bildgebenden Kernspinresonanz sowie von Lattice-Boltzmann-Simulationen und Porennetzwerksimulationen erstmals Studien zu nassem Schnee auf der Porenskala durchführen wird. Die Forschenden werden dadurch Erkenntnisse über die Verdrängungswahrscheinlichkeiten und Diffusionsmessungen bei flüssigem Wasser gewinnen. Sie werden die Schmelze und Sickerung in Schnee anhand von 3D-gedruckten porösen Replikaten von Schneegeometrien untersuchen und Datensätze zum ungesättigten Fluss als Funktion der Kapillarzahl in Modellmedien und Schnee erzeugen.Ihr Ziel ist es, neue Modelle hervorzubringen, die den Transport von Wasser in Schnee auflösen.


The effective hydraulic conductivity of snow is highly impacted by its microstructure, introducing a variability of at least three orders of magnitude, impacting seasonal flooding and glacier hydrology. Yet, the mechanisms of unsaturated flow and the impact of local phase transitions have never been investigated at the pore scale. This inhibits improving on the constitutive laws for larger scale models of snow hydrology using upscaling methods. Micro computer tomography is a very effective method for dry snow metamorphism but fails for wet snow because the transient flow and the accelerated change in microstructure cannot be resolved. We propose nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods in combination with Lattice-Boltzmann simulations and Pore-Network models to characterize water flow in snow. Applying these methods on unsaturated flow in snow, we can resolve local saturation, liquid water displacement probabilities and diffusion measures, quantitatively measuring mechanisms of water transport. These are essential for gauging modelling approaches of transport phenomena. Whilst NMR methods have been used extensively on saturated flow, it has found limited application in unsaturated media and is poised for significant advances. To target melt and percolation phenomena in snow, we start with 3D printed porous media (single pores and fully resolved snow geometries) to refine the experimental setup and provide novel data for unsaturated flow in porous media. Assisted by Lattice-Boltzmann simulations we can link pore-scale mechanisms to the NMR data. The action will produce unique data sets on unsaturated flow as a function of capillary number in model porous media and snow. This data will be used to calibrate dynamic pore network models aiming at quantifying the transient flow in snow. This leads to a parameterization of effective hydraulic conductivity for a wide range of snow microstructures providing a new standard for models resolving water transport in snow.


€ 307 939,68
7491 Trondheim

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Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
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