Die Wahrnehmung des eigenen Körpers als solcher beginnt im Gehirn
Kortikale Oszillationen bündeln unterschiedliche sensorische Reize zeitlich zu einer multisensorischen Repräsentation des physischen Selbst und lassen so das Gefühl des körperlichen Selbsterlebens („Body Ownership“) entstehen. Das Projekt Binding the Self wird mit Unterstützung der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen einzigartige Erkenntnisse über den Mechanismus gewinnen, der körperbezogene sensorische Informationen zusammenführt. Die Ergebnisse werden für klinische Befunde, bei denen eine gestörte Körperrepräsentation vorliegt, sowie für das Gebiet der Gehirn-Maschine-Schnittstellen von besonderem Nutzen sein. Konkret wird das Projekt psychophysische Aufgaben mit Elektroenzephalografie und Hirnstimulation kombinieren. Seine Arbeit wird Erkenntnisse über die Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen der multisensorischen Integration bei äußeren Ereignissen und bei der körperlichen Selbstwahrnehmung liefern.
Binding the Self tests the idea that cortical oscillations temporally bind different sensory stimuli into a multisensory representation of the physical self to generate the sense of body ownership, i.e. the experience of one's body as one's own. The project combines psychophysical tasks with electroencephalography and brain stimulation, providing unique insights on the mechanism that binds bodily sensory information. Multisensory temporal integration of visuo-tactile signals is thought to occur within Individual Alpha frequencies (IAF), while integration of tactile stimuli occurs within Individual Beta frequencies (IBF). Stimuli are integrated when they fall within the same cortical cycle and segregated for different cycles; the speed of cortical oscillations is modulated by task demand: cortical frequencies decrease when the task requires temporal sensory integration compared with segregation. Here, my first objective is to show that individual temporal resolution of perception in simultaneity judgments correlates with temporal resolution of multisensory integration involved in body ownership, both when body ownership is induced by visuo-tactile signals and when it is induced by proprioceptive-tactile signals, without vision. Next, I will demonstrate if (i) the integration of visuo-tactile stimuli that underpins body ownership occurs within IAF and if (ii) IAF is modulated by simultaneity judgments, which require temporal segregation, or ownership judgments, which require integration. Finally, I will clarify if (i) IBF integrates tactile information to produce body ownership without vision and if (ii) IBF is differentially modulated by tactile simultaneity or ownership judgments. Binding the Self reveals the similarities and differences between multisensory integration occurring for external events and for own-body perception. Results have implications for clinical conditions with an impaired body representation and for the field of the brain-machine interfaces.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
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HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-PF-EF - HORIZON TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - European FellowshipsKoordinator
17177 Stockholm