CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Novel antibiotics from Antarctic microbes


Antarktische Mikroben: eine neue Waffe gegen antimikrobielle Resistenz?

Unter antimikrobieller Resistenz (AMR) versteht man die Fähigkeit von Mikroorganismen – insbesondere von Bakterien – einer antibiotischen Behandlung zu widerstehen. Sie stellt eine erhebliche gesundheitliche Belastung dar und verursacht jedes Jahr Millionen Todesfälle. Angesichts der schleppenden Entwicklung neuer Antibiotika besteht ein Bedarf an neuartigen Maßnahmen gegen AMR. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt NAfrAM schlägt vor, die Suche nach der Entwicklung von Antibiotika auf antarktische Mikroben auszudehnen, die sich genetisch von anderen Mikroben insgesamt unterscheiden. Die Arbeitshypothese lautet, dass antarktische Mikroben neuartige Stoffwechselprodukte produzieren, die als neuartige Antibiotika genutzt werden können. Die Forschenden planen, biosynthetische Gencluster in antarktischen Mikrobenstämmen zu erkennen und zu charakterisieren und sie zur Herstellung von Verbindungen mit antimikrobieller Wirkung zu nutzen.


Microbial resistance to antimicrobial compounds has become one of the biggest threats to global health. The inability to treat infectious diseases poses a severe threat to human health, and the costs associated with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are immense. The severity of AMR is emphasized by implementing the fight against AMR into major goals of the United Nations, European Union, or World Health Organization. One of the major issues with AMR is the long-term decline in the development of novel antibiotics; thus, new antibiotics are urgently needed. Microbes living in the harsh condition of Antarctica represent a promising new source that is worth exploring for new antibiotics. Recent studies showed a significant genetic divergence of Antarctic microbes from other microbes worldwide and suggested the enormous potential of these microbes to produce novel bioactive metabolites. Therefore, the main goals of this project are devoted to the characterization of the overall biosynthetic potential hidden within different Antarctic microbial communities through identification of a broad spectrum of the biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC), determination of their diversity, phylogeny, and environmental distribution, followed by target genome mining for the discovery of BGC producing new antibiotics. The acquired knowledge will then be used for the heterologous expression of antibiotic BGC in a suitable host, followed by compounds isolation, bioactivity verification, and the elucidation of the structure. To pursue the raised objectives, interdisciplinary methods will be integrated, such as bioinformatics, molecular/synthetic biology, and analytical chemistry. Such an interdisciplinary project will provide the applicant with excellent training in both scientific and transferable skills. Together with the applicants' participation in the excellent national and international network of the supervisor, Prof. Ziemert, will significantly enhance the applicant's career perspectives.


€ 189 687,36
72074 Tuebingen

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Baden-Württemberg Tübingen Tübingen, Landkreis
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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