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Orchestrating an interoperable sovereign federated Multi-vector Energy data space built on open standards and ready for GAia-X

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OMEGA-X (Orchestrating an interoperable sovereign federated Multi-vector Energy data space built on open standards and ready for GAia-X)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-05-01 al 2023-10-31

The aim of OMEGA-X is to implement a Data Space (based on European common standards), including federated infrastructure, data marketplace and service marketplace, involving data sharing between different stakeholders and demonstrating its value for real and concrete Energy use cases and needs, while guaranteeing scalability and interoperability with other Data Space initiatives, not just for energy but also cross-sector.
In order to realise this vision, OMEGA-X pursues the following objectives:

Objective 1. Data Space standard architecture
Design, implement and test a Data Space for energy, using well-know and relevant references for the architecture definition and guaranteeing interoperability by design by making it compliant with existing European initiatives.

Objective 2. Data Marketplace
Deployment and operation of a common data marketplace to prove the value of OMEGA-X Data Space for all the actors involved in the Energy value chain.

Objective 3. Service Marketplace
Promote commodity data marketplaces by providing innovative tools and services on the top of the OMEGA-X data space to unlock the full potential from heterogenous data from multiple actors.

Objective 4. Data Governance models.
Design, develop and validate different data governance models.

Objective 5. Demonstration
Deploy a smart set of services and solutions to serve as baseline for the demonstration of how a Data Space can be relevant for all energy actors in concrete case studies. OMEGA-X considers 4 use case families.

Objective 6. Data Space Interoperability
Make sure the interoperability of the Data Space can be replicable both inside and outside the project. Inside the project, use cases will be, to the possible extent, replicated in multiple pilot sites, ensuring the re-usability of solution under different environments, regulations and involving different actors.

Objective 7. Multi-vector approach
Work towards a multi-vector-multi-industry Data Space.

Objective 8. Iteration and cooperation
OMEGA-X has a set of challenges derived from the fact that multiple inputs are needed for the definition and continuous alignment of critical topics such as the project architecture and use cases.

Objective 9. User Centricity
OMEGA-X has as objective to integrate a user centric and collaborative approach throughout the project’s lifetime. OMEGA-X will be enriched through an integration of SSH disciplines, theories and practice.
During the first period of OMEGA-X, the activities spin around the design of the ecosystem, the concrete description of use cases (both system and business use cases) and the initial technical agreement and choices towards the implementation of the data space.
The second period will be used for the finalization of the development phase (towards and operational Data Space ready for OMEGA-X partners) and the population of the Data Space with the data and interactions coming from use cases families, including the validation.

Breaking down per activities, OMEGA-X has sucessfully performed the following actions:

* OMEGA-X has successfully set up the promised cooperation. With Gaia-X (our prime target) the collaboration was superb, materializing in OMEGA-X nomination as Gaia-X lighthouse project. Also with IDSA the collaboration was very close, producing relevant outcomes such as the Interoperability paper for Data Spaces, where OMEGA-X led the technical interoperability section. Also in BRIDGE OMEGA-X has led the DERA 3.0 specification. WIth int:net, OMEGAX also adopted the leading role in proposing a common horizontal minimum interoperability blocks and system use cases, along editing 2 out of 5 proposed use cases.

* The first iteration of architecture is proposed, with the list of architectural modules and sub-modules, together with requirements to ease the techology choices. In addition, a full description of all OMEGA-X business use cases is now as well in place, serving as guidelines for how the data sharing is going to be performed, the description of the actors involved, the value added identified for this new data sharing and the business need that this is solving.

* A first development version of most of the Data Space modules, available only yet to the subset of OMEGA-X partners working on this. This includes the trust part (aligned with Gaia-X Digital Clearing Houses), the catalogue (including semantic part) and the contracting and logging functionalities. The connector is also under development, trying to reach the milestone of being both Gaia-X and IDSA aligned.

* A set of publications and white papers drafted to raise awareness of the project and presented in the events the porject partners attended.
During the first project period, OMEGA-X produced relevant outcomes on several objectives, as described below:

Interoperability. OMEGA-X defined the first iteration of a federated reference architecture leveraging multiple well-known references, starting from Gaia-X and IDSA, but considering also BRIDGE DERA, FIWARE, BDVA/DAIRO to complement existing projects and initiatives and extend interoperability. Moreover, the developed federated architecture, building blocks and services are now in its way to be implemented and validated into different real-life scenarios in order to test the interoperability amongst multiple stakeholders.

Openness. OMEGA-X is developing a full stack of Open-Source components to ensure secure, private and sovereign data exchange based on both IDSA and Gaia-X reference architectures and implementations, extending the functionalities of the existing open-source components and creating new ones for non-existing Open-Source Components. SO far, specially for connectors, there is no solution available combining both IDSA and Gaia-X requirements, so the implementation through OMEGA-X would be a significant step forward.

Data trading for AI. OMEGA-X is currently developing the necessary building blocks to share data and services amongst multiple actors enabling the development of new services based on Artificial Intelligence techniques which are not possible otherwise bringing AI to the next level to extract the full potential of data. The project has already identified the list of AI services to be used and enhanced through the project, going one step beyond SoTA not just technically but also business modelling wise, as new roles are needed.

Semantic Interoperability. OMEGA-X has advanced semantic interoperability solutions by integrating them in the data publication, access (via APIs) and analysis processes. The semantic models in OMEGA-X not only support interoperability but adapt to changes in the Data Space environments.

Synthetic data generation. OMEGA-X is developing a methodology to generate synthetic data for energy assets/process by hybridizing physics based digital twins with advanced deep artificial neural networks such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).