Descrizione del progetto
Transizione digitale e transizione verde a vantaggio della società e dell’ambiente
La transizione verso un futuro che sia digitale e sostenibile offre all’Europa l’opportunità di diventare leader nell’economia globale, garantendo al contempo che persone e ambiente siano saldamente al centro degli sviluppi tecnologici. A tal fine il progetto HiPEAC, finanziato dall’UE, intende rafforzare la leadership europea nell’economia globale dei dati e accelerare le transizioni digitale e verde attraverso innovazioni incentrate sull’uomo. Il progetto adotterà due approcci: in primo luogo, guiderà la ricerca e l’innovazione delle tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali come parte di catene di valore complete attraverso attività di roadmapping e allineamento; in secondo luogo, svilupperà l’ecosistema informatico europeo che sostiene la trasformazione digitale attraverso attività di networking e di sviluppo delle capacità.
The objective of HiPEAC is to stimulate and reinforce the development of the dynamic European computing ecosystem that supports the digital transformation of Europe. It does so by guiding the future research and innovation of key digital, enabling, and emerging technologies, sectors, and value chains. The longer term goal is to strengthen European leadership in the global data economy and to accelerate and steer the digital and green transitions through human-centred technologies and innovations. This will be achieved via mobilising and connecting European partnerships and stakeholders to be involved in the research, innovation and development of computing and systems technologies. They will provide roadmaps supporting the creation of next-generation computing technologies, infrastructures, and service platforms.
The key aim is to support and contribute to rapid technological development, market uptake and digital autonomy for Europe in advanced digital technology (hardware and software) and applications across the whole European digital value chain. HiPEAC will do this by connecting and upscaling existing initiatives and efforts, by involving the key stakeholders, and by improving the conditions for large-scale market deployment. The next-generation computing and systems technologies and applications developed will increase European autonomy in the data economy. This is required to support future hyper-distributed applications and provide new opportunities for further disruptive digital transformation of the economy and society, new business models, economic growth, and job creation.
The HiPEAC CSA proposal directly addresses the research, innovation, and development of next generation computing and systems technologies and applications. The overall goal is to support the European value chains and value networks in computing and systems technologies across the computing continuum from cloud to edge computing to the Internet of Things (IoT).
Campo scientifico
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesartificial intelligence
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesinternetinternet of things
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencessoftware
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectronic engineeringcomputer hardware
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinatore
9000 Gent