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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Digital Technologies ActiNg as a Gatekeeper to information and data flOws

Descrizione del progetto

Chi controlla i dati?

Internet governa il mondo! Le tecnologie digitali permeano ogni aspetto della nostra vita e i dati sono più preziosi che mai. In questo contesto, il progetto TANGO, finanziato dall’UE, approfondirà la condivisione di dati intersettoriali. Adottando un approccio incentrato sul cittadino, sicuro e affidabile, creerà una nuova piattaforma che fornirà una gestione dei dati trasparente, sicura, equa e responsabile, oltre che sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale. Per rafforzare la privacy dei cittadini e delle organizzazioni pubbliche e private, TANGO riunirà 37 partner provenienti da 14 Paesi. Il progetto fornirà una soluzione ad alto impatto nei settori dei trasporti, del commercio elettronico, della finanza, della pubblica amministrazione, del turismo e dell’industria, supportando numerosi beneficiari in tutta Europa.


TANGO will establish a stronger cross-sector data sharing, in a citizen-centric, secure and trustworthy manner, by developing innovative solutions while addressing environmental degradation and climate change challenges. The overall outcome is a novel platform exhibiting the following capabilities: user-friendly, secure, trustworthy, compliant, fair, transparent, accountable and environmentally sustainable data management, having at its core technology components for distributed, privacy preserving and environmentally sustainable data collection, processing, analysis, sharing and storage. This platform will promote trustworthy and digitally enabled interactions across society, for people as well as for businesses. TANGO will leverage the power of emerging digital technologies to strengthen the privacy for citizens and private/public organisations, reduce costs and improve productivity. It will unlock the innovation potential of digital technologies for decentralised, privacy-preserving applications, while making accessible and demonstrating this potential within the GAIA-X and EOSC ecosystem. With 37 key partners from 13 countries, TANGO, is uniquely positioned to provide a high impact solution within the transport, e-commerce, finance, public administration, tourism and industrial domains supporting numerous beneficiaries across Europe.
Through the provision of TANGO technologies, a trustworthy environment will be designed acting as a gatekeeper to information and data flows. Citizens and public/private organisations will be empowered to act and interact providing data both online and offline. TANGO will focus its activities on 3 main pillars: (i) the deployment of trustworthy, accountable and privacy-preserving data-sharing technologies and platforms; (ii) the creation of data governance models and frameworks; (iii) the improvement of data availability, quality and interoperability – both in domain-specific settings and across sectors.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 582 712,63
28760 Tres Cantos Madrid

Mostra sulla mappa

Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 787 570,13

Partecipanti (38)

Partner (2)