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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Boosting the Exploitation of Standardisation Inputs from European Projects

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - STAND4EU (Boosting the Exploitation of Standardisation Inputs from European Projects)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-09-01 bis 2023-08-31

Contributions from industry, research and end-users, involving experts that represent diverse stakeholders are crucial for the standardisation development. However, the standards-making process and rules are sometimes at odds with the culture and practice of research. STAND4EU aims to strengthen the links between research, innovation and standardisation ensuring that standardisation is an integral part of the European research and innovation landscape. The needs and requirements from key stakeholders will be analysed to identify obstacles hampering the standardisation efforts in four technological domains: Welding, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing, and Circular Economy.

Solutions will be developed and implemented to overcome the obstacles identified to make the standards development process more efficient. The STAND4EU interface will be created to facilitate the collection and the sharing of information about the obstacles, associated remedies and best practices. All the proposed solutions will be validated with the relevant actors and stakeholders to transfer the methodology to a broader scale of application in other respective areas to reach sustainable development of developed methodological approach and exploit the STAND4EU Interface globally.

The main STAND4EU objectives and phases are the following:
1. Identify and create awareness about the obstacles preventing:
- standards implementation in research and innovation projects
- contribution to standardisation by research & innovation projects
2. Develop and validate remedies to these obstacles, including:
- solutions to foster standardisation as a means of knowledge valorisation
- new, more agile approaches, for the standard setting process (SSP)
3. Implement solutions by establishing the STAND4EU interface to:
- facilitate information collection and sharing about the obstacles, associated remedies and best practices towards key stakeholders
- validate proposed measures to finalise the Remediation Plan
4. Sustainability & Transferability will be ensured through:
- harmonised transfer of the interface methodology to a broader scale of application in other areas to exploit the STAND4EU Interface globally
Up to this moment, STAND4EU has:
- Collected and identified the obstacles hampering the standardisation efforts through direct contacts with projects, a survey, interviews and trend analysis workshops
- Analysed the obstacles found and beggin to develop remedies and reccomendations to try to overcome the obstacles
- Set up a Interface, the STAND4EU Interface, that compreends a website ( and a portal ( and populated with relevant standardisation content from projects
The STAND4EU project is developing a set of remedies, the “Remediation Plan” to overcome the main obstacles to standardisation identified in the needs analysis conducted at the beginning of the project. The recomendations intend to make the standard setting process more agile.

The Remediation plan, with at least 10 recommendations targeting 4 technological domains and 3 cross cutting domains, will be disclosed at the end of the project, essential to boost European industry’s competitiveness and resilience and build a sustainable future. In the meanwile, recommendations will be made available at the STAND4EU Interface.

STAND4EU also created an inclusive, people-centric solution: the STAND4EU Interface that, at the moment, features the identified bottlenecks that hamper the uptake and development of standards. It also features best practices in projects to allow for sharing the results of innovative projects and initiatives. In the future it is planed to also provide solutions to the barriers and offer training that will support reskilling and social innovation. The portal was structured in a way that allows information collection and sharing, with the intend to be a a one-stop-shop for standardisation and will be continuasly updated, even after the project ends. In addition, it will act as an on-line hub for engagement of stakeholders.