CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Inspired to Integrate: Filtering Nature's Diversity for Nature-friendly Implementations


Biologische Filtrationsmechanismen: Erforschung der Naturvielfalt für bioinspiriertes Design

Die Biologie inspiriert die Technik. Auf dem Gebiet der Bionik werden neue Materialien, Geräte und Anwendungen nach dem Vorbild biologischer Strukturen und Strategien entwickelt. Das Haupthindernis für die Verwirklichung der Ziele in diesem Bereich liegt jedoch in den Unterschieden zwischen den Instrumenten, Praktiken und Sichtweisen der Fachleute. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Nature4Nature bringt daher Menschen aus den Bereichen Biologie, Technik, Design und Fertigung zusammen, um Nachwuchsforschende in einer Lernumgebung zu unterrichten, die die Aspekte Inspiration, Integration und Umsetzung des Bioinspirationsprozesses miteinander verbindet, um konzeptionelle, methodische und praktische Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Zu diesem Zweck wird sich das Projekt gemeinsam auf biologische Filtrationsmechanismen konzentrieren, um verstopfungsresistente Filtersysteme mit hohem Durchsatz zu erforschen, zu erproben und zu entwerfen, die letztendlich die aktuellen Probleme der aquatischen Umwelt lindern könnten.


Nature provides an almost inexhaustible source of inspiration for innovative designs that may help to tackle many of the world’s current social, economic and environmental challenges. In accordance, the potential of bioinspiration (including biomimetics and biomimicry) has become widely recognized in academia and industry. The main hurdle preventing the field of bioinspiration from delivering its promises, however, stems from differences in tools, practices and viewpoints of its practitioners, often obstructing further development towards successful products. Nature4Nature, a unique joint effort of biologists, engineers, designers and manufacturers, will immerse early stage researchers (ESRs) in a learning environment that fully spans the inspiration, integration and implementation aspects of bioinspired design to tackle the conceptual, methodological and practical challenges. It will provide ESRs (a) with a mindset and know-how to harness biodiversity into design; (b) with the theoretical background and practical skills for transferring biological model systems into engineering designs and applications; and (c) with an attitude and competence to implement bioinspired ideas in an explicit sustainable way. Nature4Nature will focus its research activities onto one model system: how to efficiently separate solid particles from liquids. Biological filtration systems have evolved repeatedly over the earth’s living history. Nature4Nature will teach ESRs to make the most of this rich heritage, using it as an inspiratory source for designing and manufacturing high-throughput, clog-resisting filtering systems that can help conserving and restoring the world’s aquatic habitats. By fostering a new generation of researchers operating at the interface between scientific disciplines, sectors and societal actors, Nature4Nature sets out to spur innovative practices and will aid in overcoming the barriers to implementation of bioinspiration in the design process.


€ 525 240,00
2000 Antwerpen

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Vlaams Gewest Prov. Antwerpen Arr. Antwerpen
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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Beteiligte (7)

Partner (2)