CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

HVDC-based grid architectures for reliable and resilient WIdeSprEad hybrid AC/DC transmission systems

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HVDC-WISE (HVDC-based grid architectures for reliable and resilient WIdeSprEad hybrid AC/DC transmission systems)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-10-01 bis 2023-11-30

The goal of HVDC-WISE is to contribute to the development of hybrid AC/DC transmission grids by creating new reliability and resilience (R&R)-oriented planning and analysis tools. Additionally, the project aims to identify HVDC-based grid architectures that can be deployed to enhance system R&R and facilitate the integration of new renewable sources.

The project aims to offer new insights to enhance understanding of power system R&R, considering the evolving nature of the power system. This involves addressing the challenges associated with the large-scale integration of HVDC systems, while also understanding the full potential these systems to enhance overall system R&R. Advanced tools will be used to demonstrate and assess the power system R&R benefits offered by different options and guide the high-level specification of HVDC solutions.

To meet this goal, the project targets five ambitious objectives:

1 - To develop new R&R-oriented planning toolsets (metrics, methodology, and tools) with appropriate representation of different HVDC-based grid architecture concepts aiming to fulfil transmission system operators needs.

2 - To identify, propose and compare different HVDC-based grid architecture concepts aiming to address TSOs’ reliability and resilience needs.

3 - To identify, assess, and model emerging technologies for HVDC-based grid architecture concepts needed for the deployment of widespread AC/DC transmission grids.

4 - To validate in an industrially relevant environment the resilience-oriented planning toolset and the HVDC-based grid architecture concepts on three realistic use cases.

5 - To prepare for the adoption and deployment of the proposed solutions by the industry.

HVDC-WISE involves 14 partners from 11 countries across academia, TSOs, and industry, is structured into 8 work packages, including 6 technical ones.
WP2 [Requirements, opportunities, frameworks, and demonstration needs for R&R of future AC/DC systems]

Activities performed:
T2.1 - This task identified innovative approaches for understanding R&R of transmission systems, new vulnerabilities, and opportunities in the context of grids with more power electronics.
T2.2 - Here, we defined the needs and expectations of consortium TSOs based on their operational experience and plans for future hybrid AC/DC grids.
T2.3 - This activity defined the three realistic use cases that will be analysed in terms of R&R in the project.
T2.4 - This task delivered an overview of existing codes and standards for HVDC systems connection and operation within the consortium TSOs.
T2.5 - This task identified a list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of R&R to be addressed by project solutions.

Main achievements:
- Consistent definitions of resilience and reliability in power systems
- Definition of a list of technical KPIs for R&R assessment of power systems
- Definition of the three realistic use cases the project will use in the demonstration phase
- Identification of gaps in the European codes on HVDC connection and operation, where the project can impact with its results

WP3 [Concept architectures for reliable and resilient AC/DC systems]

Activities performed:
T3.1 - This task developed of a classification matrix that will provide the project a consistent framework for analysing different AC/DC grid architectures. Also, this task performed a state of the art of control and protection concepts of AC/DC grids.
T3.2 - This task proposes novel control concepts for HVDC systems to minimize the potential risks of HVDC threats and exploit the full potential of HVDC on system’s R&R.
T3.3 - This task provides guidelines for the cost-effective design of HVDC-based grid architectures protection enabling them to ride through (survive) faults happening either at the DC side, the AC side or at the cyber-layer.

Main achievements:
- A first methodology for classifying AC/DC grid architectures was proposed.
- Innovative strategies for controlling HVDC grids as to support the AC/DC R&R have been proposed.
- A set of simulation models allowing to represent the threats of HVDC systems in AC/DC grids have been developed.

WP4 [Enabling technologies for future AC/DC hybrid systems]

Activities performed :
T4.1 - This task listed the possible technologies to build future HVDC systems. It also provided considerations on technology readiness levels and how these technologies are related to architectures, reliability, and resilience.
T4.2 - This task defines modelling approaches of the relevant technologies for their accurate representation in reliability and resilience studies.
T4.3 - This task is to propose extensions and a methodology to create extensions of the IEC CIM / CGMES standards to include HVDC systems towards the delivery of a public library.

Main achievements :
- A list of technologies to be considered in the project was proposed.

WP5 [Simulation tools for R&R-oriented planning and operation of hybrid AC/DC power systems]
Activities performed :
T5.1 - This task defined a conceptual framework for R&R-oriented planning and operation of hybrid AC/DC power systems. This framework allowed to understand the different tools needed in the project to be developed in T5.2 and T5.3.
T5.2 - This task involves expanding and adapting pre-existing planning tools developed by the partners, to build R&R-oriented tools for supporting the decision-making process of transmission expansion according to reliability, resilience and cost trade-off criteria considering different AC/DC architectures.
T5.3 - This task involves developing a tool for cascading failure modelling and quantification, specifically focusing on dynamic simulation studies, which is essential for assessing system security and resilience.

Main achievements :
- A first version of the methodology to include R&R in the grid planning has been delivered.
- A first version of the HVDC-WISE_TEA tool has been submitted (T5.2).
- A first version of cascading event quantification tool has been submitted (T5.3).

WP6 [R&R-oriented network expansion planning methodology: application to use cases]

Activities performed :
T6.1 - This task worked very close with T2.4 and T5.1 to a) define the three realistic use cases that will be analysed in the project and b) define the methodology to assess R&R of HVDC-based grid expansions on those use cases.
A number of results beyond state of the art were obtained from these activities during period P1:

1 - In WP3 various innovative concepts for controlling HVDC multi-terminal grids for enhancing the R&R resilience of the whole grid were proposed. These include:
1.1 - Coordianted secondary controls to compute the HVDC set-points in the pre fault and post fault situations to increase the security margins
1.2 - Controls to provide AC services (frequency control, Ac line emulation, oscillation damping) without disturbing the DC grid stability
1.3 - Control concepts to privde AC grid-forming capabilities while assuring the DC voltage stability

2 - In WP5 and WP6 a first draft of the methodology to include resilience indicators in the planning phase was proposed. Current practices only include reliability indicators.