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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Renewable Energies System for Cities

Descrizione del progetto

Migliorare le competenze della forza lavoro per stimolare le tecnologie delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili

Guidata dall’ambizioso obiettivo di conseguire la neutralità carbonica entro il 2050, l’UE sta ponendo sotto i riflettori la tecnologia che sostiene questa transizione verde, concentrandosi al contempo sul bagaglio di competenze della forza lavoro in termini di impiego e padronanza delle tecnologie sostenibili. Il progetto RES4CITY, finanziato dall’UE, immagina un quadro didattico co-progettato per migliorare le competenze della forza lavoro al fine di integrare, condizionare e combinare le migliori pratiche esistenti relative alle energie rinnovabili, incentivando le tecnologie nelle città. RES4CITY definirà microprogrammi, svilupperà giochi seri destinati all’apprendimento e alla formazione, istituirà il programma industria-accademia e analizzerà casi di studio basati sul settore. Il programma sarà elaborato e collaudato in collaborazione con governance pubblica, settore industriale, ONG e cittadinanza.


A carbon-neutral European Union by 2050 is an ambitious target that presents technical and societal challenges. While technical research is advancing rapidly to reach a net-zero target, the overall skillsets of the working force are lagging behind in understanding, employing and mastering sustainable technologies for the business models. Therefore, the RES4City project envisions a codesigned educational framework for upskilling the workforce to integrate, influence and combine the current sustainability best practices for renewable energies and fuel technologies. The main pathways to reach this objective are the definition of microprogrammes, the development of serious games for learning and training, the establishment of the industry-academy programme and the analysis of industry-based case studies for the fast track towards sustainability and circular economy. In addition, the program will focus on developing and testing the program in coordination with different stakeholders such as public governance, industry, NGOs, and citizens. Within the program, a separate task on inclusivity and gender balance will promote and ensure the participation of a representative cohort of students. The thematic area selected for the project is the cities. The link between these sectors is intrinsically defined, and they have extensive unexploited opportunities for renewable energy deployment and fossil fuel substitution to improve their sustainability and the massive potential of circularity implementation.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 500 581,25
W23 Maynooth

Mostra sulla mappa

Ireland Eastern and Midland Mid-East
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 500 581,25

Partecipanti (15)

Partner (2)