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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Increase the Synergy among different ENERGY NETworkS

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SENERGY NETS (Increase the Synergy among different ENERGY NETworkS)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-09-01 bis 2024-02-29

SENERGY NETS will demonstrate the benefits arising from integrating electricity, gas, heating and cooling carriers exploited in existing multi energy systems located in European urban areas, supplying residential, tertiary and industrial consumers, in order to decarbonize the following sectors:
- Heat and (indirectly) power: through grid services allowing a higher penetration of RES (PV, Wind) without high investment for dedicated flexible infrastructure,
- Gas: through a diminution of the needed consumption.

This demonstration will take place at three District and Cooling assets located in Milan-Italy, Ljubljana-Slovenia and Paris-France, involving several conversion and storage technologies and using improved planning and control algorithms, with the constraint of heating and cooling satisfaction. Energy markets will be the first driver for sector integration, along with the provision of smart and flexible services allowing for cost-effective energy transition to a near carbon neutral energy system. Transferability of the results will be tested with simulation on two additional case studies : an hospital energy system in Cordoba-Spain and a multi-energy power plant in Vasteras-Sweden. The replicability and impact analysis of the project's results will be assessed at the european scale, using GIS analysis and simulation of the european power system and markets.

To achieve its ambitious goal and address the aforementioned challenges, SENERGY NETS has set seven specific objectives:
1. Demonstrate the capability of MES to decarbonize the heating and cooling sector using local RES production and sector coupling
2. Demonstrate the capability of MES to decarbonize the power sector by providing cost efficient flexibility for energy markets and ancillary services to DSO and TSO
3. Enable MES to provide flexibility services by delivering a set of tools for planning and operation
4. Enable DSO to integrate flexibility services from MES by delivering a set of tools for planning and operation
5. Enable flexibility provision at local scale by defining market requirements for DSO ancillary services adapted to MES
6. Maximize the impact by developing and applying a consolidated method to evaluate the overall created value by sector integration
7. Maximize the impact and geographical reach of SENERGY NETS through the deployment of communication and dissemination channels and synergies with other HORIZON projects
The first period of the project consisted of the preparation of the demonstration sites and the clarification of the use cases that will be demonstrated and simulated. As a first step, the consortium was able to define and analyse the main challenges related to sector aggregation, around four main aspects: technical challenges, policies, and economics, environmental and social. Following this work, twelve high level use cases have been defined corresponding to seven main topics : Mid-term planning for MES including structural improvement strategies for decarbonization, Increase flexibility of the MES by heat demand response and storage management, Mid-to-long terms planning of electricity networks for the DSO, Advanced short-term planning and flexibility procurement from DSO, Flexibility provision to the electricity DSO on local level, Provision of aggregated flexibility of MES to the electricity TSO, Provision of aggregated flexibility of MES to energy markets or BRPs. To assess the interest of those use cases 40 KPIs related to flexibility, ecomnomics, energy efficiency have been defined with their calculation methods. In parallel, the modelling work of SENERGY NETS software solutions is on going and first tests of their integration on the demonstrations started.
The SENERGY NETS consortium is developping 11 digital solutions to allow the provision of flexibility services by Multi Energy Systems operators and use by grids operators with a focus of DSO. These digital solutions concern each phase of a sector integration project : design and planning, operation, replication of results.
At this stage of the project, it's too early to present tangible results beyond the state of the art.