CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Our sustainabLe futurE, the ValuEs that dRive it, and how to get there


Innovative Forschung in Richtung Nachhaltigkeitswende

Der Klimawandel stellt eine grundlegende, andauernde sozialökologische Herausforderung für die Gesellschaft dar. In den Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften werden ökologische Herausforderungen wie der Klimawandel analysiert, um Maßnahmen zu entwickeln, die zur Lösung dieser Probleme beitragen. Aber oft fehlt uns das nötige Wissen, um in einer bestimmten Situation eine positive Veränderung herbeizuführen (d. h. Transformationswissen). Das Ziel des vom Europäischen Forschungsrat finanzierten Projekts LEVER besteht darin, eine Theorie und Praxis zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, die die Produktion von transformativem Wissen unterstützt. Projektintern werden transdisziplinäre Forschung mit sozialwissenschaftlichen Experimenten kombiniert, um Werte als Hebelpunkte für die Nachhaltigkeitstransformation zu untersuchen und eine integrierte Theorie der Transformationsforschung zu erschaffen. LEVER bedeutet für die europäischen Beziehungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft einen großen Schritt nach vorn.


Grand and persistent social-ecological challenges, such as climate change, push forward a rapidly growing discourse on how sustainability science can support society in dealing with today’s global crises. Between studying change and contributing to change, sustainability science seeks both to analytically understand sustainability problems, but also to design interventions that can contribute solution-options to these problems. However, knowledge about how to intervene in order to reach a desirable vision (i.e. transformation knowledge) is typically missing. Especially how to deliberately engage with values as places of intervention (leverage points), as proposed by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, remains a critical knowledge gap. To fill these gaps, LEVER aims to critically develop and apply a transformative theory and practice to support the (co-)production of transformation knowledge, including a focus on transformation knowledge necessary to investigate and unleash values as leverage points for sustainability transformation. To this end, LEVER originally combines transdisciplinary research with the empirically rigorous methods of social science experiments. The scientific breakthrough consists in delivering an integrated theory of transformative research, capable of representing the many co-evolving links between its design principles, philosophy of science, normative assumptions, and ethical dimensions. Methodologically, LEVER opens new avenues on how to produce transformation knowledge, by experimenting with, testing and evaluating novel transformative methods. Finally, LEVER seeks to answer the globally relevant and timely question of how to unleash values. Using a treatment and control group experimental design, LEVER assesses the impact of values-targeting interventions and demonstrates the potential of values as leverage points. LEVER pioneers a salient conscious science-society relationship in Europe.


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€ 1 222 194,00
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Hessen Kassel Kassel, Kreisfreie Stadt
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€ 1 222 194,00

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