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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Twinning action for spreading excellence in Artificial Intelligence of Things

Descrizione del progetto

Puntare all’eccellenza della ricerca per l’intelligenza artificiale nell’IoT

Con miliardi di dispositivi fisici connessi a Internet, i vantaggi dell’Internet delle cose (IoT, Internet of Things) per la maggior parte dei settori e delle organizzazioni non possono essere sottovalutati. In effetti, stanno spingendo molti a finanziare e incoraggiare la ricerca in questo settore. Esiste tuttavia il rischio che, senza la cooperazione e gli sforzi necessari, l’UE e i suoi membri rimangano indietro in questo settore tecnologico. Il progetto AIoTwin, finanziato dall’UE, offre una soluzione introducendo uno sforzo di cooperazione tra i principali ricercatori, università e istituzioni europee. Attraverso questo sforzo, si prevede di aumentare l’eccellenza della ricerca di UNIZG-FER e di altre università europee nel campo dell’IoT, formando al contempo nuovi ricercatori.


AIoTwin is a twinning coordination action for spreading excellence in Artificial Intelligence of Things, bringing together researchers from three European universities (UNIZG-FER, TUW and TUB) and one research institute (RISE). The goal is to significantly strengthen the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of UNIZG-FER in the area of the Internet of Things through knowledge transfer and strategic networking activities between UNIZG-FER researchers and world-class scientists from leading EU institutions. This will be achieved through an elaborate work plan and a comprehensive set of activities that will increase the mobility of researchers and improve the scientific and innovative capacities as well as the attractiveness and visibility of UNIZG-FER in the European Research Area. AIoTwin identifies four research domains relevant to AIoT: 1) Edge Computing and Orchestration, 2) Federated and Decentralised Machine Learning, 3) AI for Robust and Energy-Efficient IoT, and 4) Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for IoT, which align well with current research directions leading to the new evolutionary phase of next-generation IoT. The knowledge gained through the networking activities in the RDs will be the driving force for conducting a joint research project on data-driven orchestration middleware for energy-efficient IoT supporting ML workflows. The middleware will be tested on a selected use case using the consortium's shared infrastructure. In addition, the project will strengthen the research management and administrative skills of UNIZG-FER staff.
AIoTwin provides a unique opportunity for UNIZG-FER researchers to work closely with leading international researchers to develop new ideas, foster creativity, and strengthen the impact of all participating partners on an international level. It will contribute to strategically reduce disparities between Croatia and other EU Member States participating in the Horizon Europe programme.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 544 500,00
10000 Zagreb

Mostra sulla mappa

Hrvatska Grad Zagreb Grad Zagreb
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 544 500,00

Partecipanti (3)