CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

New European Bauhaus STAvangeR


Das Neue Europäische Bauhaus für eine grüne städtische Umgestaltung

Schön. Nachhaltig. Gemeinsam. Mit diesen Worten wird das Neue Europäische Bauhaus beschrieben, eine kreative Initiative, über die die europäische Bevölkerung und ihre Lebensräume und Erfahrungen mit dem Europäischen Grünen Deal verbunden werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt NEB-STAR aufzeigen, wie die Grundsätze und Werte des Neuen Europäischen Bauhauses in territorialen Umgestaltungsplänen in Stavanger (Norwegen), Prag (Tschechische Republik) und Utrecht (Niederlande) verankert werden können. Dabei wird vorgeführt, wie Stavanger, ein Leuchtturm des Neuen Europäischen Bauhauses der ersten Generation, mit den Partnerstädten Prag und Utrecht zusammenarbeitet, um Versuche, Demonstrationen, Einblicke und Leitlinien zu den Grundsätzen des Bauhauses in städtischen Umgestaltungen bereitzustellen. Das Ergebnis wird ein umfassender Fahrplan für die vollständige Umsetzung des territorialen Umgestaltungsplans von Stavanger.


In NEB-STAR, 16 partners will join forces to make the transition to climate-neutral cities inclusive, beautiful and sustainable - for, by and with all stakeholders. Stavanger as the first-generation NEB Lighthouse will provide experimentation, demonstration, insight and guidance on NEB principles in urban transitions in cooperation with twinning cities Prague and Utrecht, and peers in Europe and the Nordics. The project will demonstrate how Territorial Transformation Plans can be operationalised with NEB principles to accelerate the journey towards climate neutrality. In NEB-STAR, NEB principles will be used to address four emblematic challenges: (1) co-creating a new sense of aesthetics for climate-neutral cities and communities that captures places' unique qualities, history and potential, and generates a sense of belonging, pride and ownership; (2) Reconnecting with nature to boost resilience and a sense of community, giving new life to the spaces in between buildings through food and nature; (3) Creating temporary meeting spaces in urban transition areas, that embrace diversity and strengthen the identity and uniqueness of people and places that need it most; (4) Co-creating co-benefits for the neighbourhood and city through multi-functional use of spaces and infrastructures. The project will deliver a Detailed Roadmap for full-scale implementation of Stavanger’s Territorial Transformation Plan, supported by an extensive Co-Creation Process, a Portfolio of Policy Strategies and Tools, Financial and Partnership Models. The plans will be co-created with local stakeholders and partners, tested in Demonstrators in the three cities, jointly evaluated with stakeholders and experts, and exploited and replicated in cooperation with Nordic and European NEB and Missions communities. The NEB-STAR Impact Model will capture the social, cultural, financial, governance and technical impact on the built environment, and the stakeholders that affect / are affected by them.


€ 986 675,00
7491 Trondheim

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Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 986 675,00

Beteiligte (16)