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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Empowering the future through innovative smart solutions for rural areas.

Descrizione del progetto

Promuovere l’innovazione nell’Europa rurale

Nei tranquilli paesaggi dell’Europa rurale persistono sfide nascoste. L’isolamento, l’accesso limitato a soluzioni innovative e le preoccupazioni ambientali pesano molto su queste comunità. È possibile affrontare queste difficoltà con una serie di soluzioni digitali intelligenti. In questo contesto, il progetto FUTURAL, finanziato dall’UE, funge da piattaforma di metaricerca integrata, un polo unico per accedere a queste soluzioni. Questo gateway collega gli utenti alle soluzioni intelligenti sviluppate da iniziative simili, semplificando l’accesso a risorse vitali. Il suo impatto va oltre l’innovazione digitale, con progetti pilota in sei diverse aree rurali dell’UE, che sperimentano innovazioni sociali, tecnologiche e commerciali guidate dalle comunità. Con un consorzio dinamico e un approccio multi-attore, FUTURAL mira a creare un cambiamento duraturo attraverso la collaborazione.


FUTURAL aims to deliver a set of digital Smart Solutions (SS) under 5 Smart Solution domains to address pressing social and environmental challenges. An integrated metasearch platform providing a one-stop shop for SS will be the gateway to FUTURAL's solutions, enabling search and access to SS developed by similar initiatives. FUTURAL will prototype, test, pilot and demonstrate community-led social, technological and business innovations based on the proposed SS in six rural pilot areas in the EU, representing different geographical and socio-cultural contexts. An interdisciplinary consortium of partners and a multi-actor approach will pave a coherent path towards the FUTURAL innovations through joint actions and governance systems. FUTURAL will engage rural communities and pursue public-private interactions to develop new social practices that enable market adoption and widespread social change. A clearly outlined networking, EU-wide Rural Innovation Forum (EU-RIF), building on links with key organisations, networks, projects and initiatives within the European rural development ecosystem will also be developed. The project's Open Call will fund projects that will develop their own SS, based on the five FUTURAL SS domains, to be applied in other rural areas and be available on the project's metasearch platform. A vibrant and sustainable ecosystem will be created around FUTURAL to maximise the impact of the project. The broad application of the project innovations will be enabled through the creation of business models tailored to the needs of different rural contexts and social groups. Policy recommendations and governance frameworks will be co-created in multi-actor workshops in the project's EU-RIF to support, among others, the European Green Deal, the European Digital Strategy, the European Pillar of Social Rights and the EU's long-term vision for rural areas.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation Actions


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 549 000,00
118 55 ATHINA

Mostra sulla mappa

Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 549 000,00

Partecipanti (20)