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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Datenerhebung in der Landwirtschaft verbessern

Sensoren stellen in der Landwirtschaft Daten bereit, die den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben dazu dienen, ihre Anbaukulturen zu überwachen und zu optimieren, indem sie an Veränderungen der Umweltbedingungen angepasst werden. Die Integration dieser Daten mit anderen von Satelliten erlangten Daten könnte die regionale Landwirtschaftsüberwachung weiter verbessern, würde aber einen Paradigmenwechsel bei den Modellen für Dateneigentum und Datenqualitätsmanagement erfordern. Die Vision des EU-finanzierten Projekts ScaleAgData besteht darin, Erkenntnisse darüber zu gewinnen, wie integrierte Datenströme zum Nutzen aller Beteiligten, insbesondere der Landwirtinnen und Landwirte, verwaltet werden sollten. Durch die Hochskalierung dieser Daten kann diese Fülle an Informationen mit einer größeren landwirtschaftlichen Gemeinschaft geteilt werden, wodurch die technologische Ungleichheit in diesem Sektor verringert wird. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf Innovationen in den Bereichen Sensorik, Edge-Computing, Datenanalyse und neuartige Erdbeobachtungsprodukte gelegt.


Clear targets have been defined by the EU for a more competitive and sustainable agriculture (Green Deal). This requires data-driven decision making for farmers, governments and other policy makers, yet there is a severe reference-data gap when observations are needed at the local level. An underexploited source of data is generated by sensors used in agriculture, as they capture crucial information on the crops and the surrounding agri-environmental conditions. Tapping into this source and upscaling them the integration with other data (e.g. satellite) could result in enhanced capacities for regional agri-environmental monitoring. This would require a paradigm shift on how the monitoring systems work, and on the issues of data ownership and governance.
The vision of ScaleAgData is thus to gain insight in (i) how these data streams should be governed to the benefit of all stakeholders, especially the farmers, and (ii) how these data can be integrated in the regional agri-environmental monitoring datasets. Through this upscaling, this wealth of information can be shared with a larger farmer community, thus shrinking the technological inequality in the sector. Specific attention will be paid to innovations in sensor technology, edge computing, data analytics, and novel EO-based products.
These innovations will be co-designed and showcased in 6 Research and Innovation Labs, each with their specific thematic focus and spread across Europe. This will enable the assessment of the proposed innovations and data governance frameworks, and demonstrating added values of the improved monitoring capabilities for a range of users, including small-scale and agro-ecological farmers, the financial sector, and policy makers.
With these outcomes, ScaleAgData aims at contributing to the overall competitiveness and sustainability performance of the European agricultural sector, and to the work of the HE candidate partnership “Agriculture of Data” and the Soil Mission.


€ 1 402 812,50
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Vlaams Gewest Prov. Antwerpen Arr. Turnhout
Research Organisations
€ 1 402 812,50

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