CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Unrevealing the mechanisms involved when producing biodiesel from waste oil using a combined experimental and theoretical methodology


Produktion von Biodiesel aus Altöl

Fahrzeugemissionen tragen signifikant zum Klimawandel und der globalen Erwärmung bei. Biodiesel (erzeugt aus pflanzlichem Öl) wurde als Dieselersatz betrachtet. Doch die Verwendung von Speiseölen, die für die Erzeugung notwendig sind, führt zu Konflikten innerhalb des Nahrungsmittelanbaus. Dadurch wird Biodiesel weniger reizvoll, und es werden neue Technologien zur Verarbeitung von Nicht-Speiseölen geringer Qualität, wie Altöl, entwickelt. Mit diesem neuen Rohmaterial wurden Experimente mit ermutigenden Ergebnissen durchgeführt. Dennoch mangelt es an Wissen über diese Methode. Im EU-finanzierten Projekt UNPRECEDENTED werden experimentelle Daten und theoretische Modelle kombiniert, um die relevanten Reaktionsschritte zu analysieren und zu verstehen und so die Umwandlung von Altöl zur Erzeugung von Biodiesel zu bewerten.


40% reduction on emissions should be achieved by 2030 within EU with the outstanding goal for Europe to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050. These goals need to be reached without jeopardizing economic development and growth, and simultaneously fulfilling the UN goals for sustainability.

One of the main contributors to climate change and global warming is emissions from our vehicles as these mainly use petroleum-based fuels. To address this, new approaches, methodologies, and technologies must be developed.

Biodiesel is one option to substitute diesel; however, its production has been controversial since it requires the use of edible oils and thus creates conflicts with the production of food crops, making it less attractive. Because of this problem, newer technologies are being developed to treat lower quality nonedible oils. However, as yet, these are not economically viable.

To address these problems, UNPRECEDENTED will focus on the use of waste oil. This new raw material has been tested experimentally with promising results. However, how the reaction is taking place and the steps involved is far from being understood. This lack of knowledge has a negative effect when selecting new technologies or testing new feedstocks.

UNPRECEDENTED will use a combine methodology of experimental data and theoretical modelling (DFT based calculations) to study and fully comprehend the biodiesel production reaction. This methodology will permit a full understanding of the reactive steps involved, the reaction pathway that is followed as well as the energies involved in each reactive step. This methodology will assess for the conversion of waste oil in the presence of renewable alcohols to produce biodiesel when using new catalytic materials that are biobased, produce from renewable sources, and enriched with glycerol.


€ 115 000,00
1433 As

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Norge Oslo og Viken Viken
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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