CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Croatia-Cyprus Excellence Hub on Eco-Innovative Technologies for Healthy and Productive Seas


Herausforderungen von der Nachhaltigkeit der Aquakultur bis zur maritimen Sicherheit meistern

Das Gleichgewicht der marinen Ökosysteme ist bedroht. Die Aquakultur steht wegen der Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt auf dem Prüfstand, und die maritime Sicherheit wird in einer unbeständigen geopolitischen Lage immer wichtiger. Im EU-finanzierten Projekt SeaTecHub wird der Weg in Richtung innovativer Lösungen gewiesen. Die Mission im Projekt ist, die Innovationsökosysteme in Kroatien und auf Zypern zu stärken, die Exzellenz auszubauen und grenzüberschreitende Kollaboration zu öko-innovativen Technologien für lebendige, produktive Meere anzuregen. Fünf Sektoren stehen bei SeaTecHub im Fokus: Aquakultur und Fischerei, intelligente Häfen, maritime Sicherheit und Schutz, Forschung und Bildung und Meerestechnologien. Diese Bereiche stehen im Einklang mit den Strategien für intelligente Spezialisierung beider Länder.


The main goal of the SeaTecHub project is to strengthen Croatian and Cyprus place-based innovation ecosystems and improve access to excellence for R&I actors by cross-border collaboration on a common strategy and alongside value adding chains within the area of eco-innovative technologies for healthy and productive seas, focusing on sectors 1. Aquaculture and fisheries, 2. Smart ports, 3. Maritime security and protection, 4. Research and Education, and 5. Maritime technologies, which are aligned with Croatian and Cypriot Smart Specialization Strategies and have been identified as emerging and established sectors in the EU Blue Economy Report 2021 .

The objectives of the SeaTecHub project are: 1) to facilitate long-term cross border and inter-sectoral collaboration to advance eco-innovative technologies for healthy and productive seas, 2) to perform joint research work to close knowledge gaps, consolidate and reinforce quadruple-helix linkages, and validate strategy and action and investment plans (AIPs), 3) to implement a set of mutual learning and skills development measures, and 4) to raise visibility of Croatian-Cyprus innovation ecosystems by implementing strategic measures in the form of organizing networking, knowledge and experience transfer events.

These objectives will be reached through a set of measures that include a) development of the strategy and AIPs and their digitalization through an innovative platform utilizing blockchain-based tokenization, b) R&I projects selected considering cross-border and cross-sectoral needs within, c) conceptual design and pre-planning for pilots and demonstrators, and d) a set of accompanying measures and outreach activities.

The SeaTecHub consortium covers the quadruple helix of Croatian and Cyprus ecosystems: 2 research organizations, 4 public authorities, 5 business actors, and 3 NGOs. Strong willingness to actively participate has also been expressed by 49 institutions who have provided Letter of Support.


€ 937 300,00
6300 Larnaca

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Κύπρος Κύπρος Κύπρος
Research Organisations
€ 937 300,00

Beteiligte (13)