CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Disability versus Difference over Development in the Autisms


Autismus verstehen, um Präzisionsbehandlungen zu entwickeln

Autismus ist eine komplexe Erkrankung, die durch große Heterogenität gekennzeichnet ist. Um wirksamere Interventionen zu entwickeln, werden Modelle benötigt, die sinnvolle Unterscheidungen innerhalb der Formen von Autismus aufzeigen. Das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts AUTISMS-3D besteht darin, das AUTISMS-3D-Modell zu entwickeln und zu erproben, das die Vielfalt innerhalb der Autismuspopulation erklären soll, indem es zwischen Behinderung und Unterschieden in den Entwicklungsergebnissen differenziert. Laut AUTISMS-3D zeigt sich die primäre Unterteilung innerhalb der Autismuspopulation in Form von Subtypen, die eine signifikante Behinderung aufweisen, und solchen, die Unterschiede in den Entwicklungsergebnissen zeigen. Im Rahmen des Projekts kommen genormte klinische Messungen zum Einsatz, um Stratifizierungsmodelle zur Vorhersage von Autismus-Subtypen zu erstellen. Die Forschungsarbeit ist darauf ausgerichtet, unser Verständnis von Autismus zu verbessern und bei seiner Behandlung Präzisionsmedizin zu etablieren.


Autism is an early developing condition diagnosed on the basis of difficulties in the domains of social-communication and restricted repetitive behaviors. However, the single label of ‘autism’ masks a large degree of heterogeneity at multiple scales, from genome to phenome, and may not signal differential needs and services required for some types of profoundly affected individuals. In order to better understand autism and develop more impactful ways to facilitate positive outcomes at an individualized-level, we need better models that help to explain how autism may be differentiated in meaningful ways that help explain variability in developmental paths, responses to treatment, and differential underlying neurobiological mechanisms. This research program develops and tests the AUTISMS-3D model – disability versus difference over development - as a first-level major distinction for explaining heterogeneity within the autism population. AUTISMS-3D postulates that the major first-level split within the autism population is between subtypes described by profound disability versus difference in developmental outcomes. Stratification models using standardized clinical measures of intellectual functioning, language, and adaptive behavior will be used to predict ‘disability’ versus ‘difference’ subtypes. These stratification models are based on highly reproducible data-driven clustering analyses from very large phenotypic datasets. We will then test how the subtypes may develop differently with analyses of big clinical longitudinal datasets and also within the context of early intervention. Finally, we will test the subtypes for neurobiological differences via neuroimaging (MRI, fMRI, DTI) and electrophysiological (EEG) and gaze phenotypes (e.g. eye tracking) under static and naturalistic viewing conditions. The research will help refine our understanding and concepts of autism and will be an important next step on the path to precision medicine for the autisms.


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€ 1 220 875,00
16163 Genova

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Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Research Organisations
€ 1 220 875,00

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