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Advanced modelling and characterization for power semiconductor materials and technologies

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AddMorePower (Advanced modelling and characterization for power semiconductor materials and technologies)

Berichtszeitraum: 2023-01-01 bis 2023-12-31

With the rapid and massive spread of power electronics and power semiconductors to enable the digitalization and the electrification of our society and its supply with sustainable energy, new requirements arise to the conception and integration of semiconductor and interconnect materials. AddMorePower will provide the necessary characterization and modelling techniques that meet the particular needs of the upcoming power semiconductor technology generations.

The AddMorePower project aims to tackle physical problems of new power semiconductor materials. AddMorePower’s mission is to overcome these limitations currently present in the power GaN and related Cu metallization technologies by vastly improving characterization and modelling techniques. By overcoming the current limitations the project aims to increase EU shares in power semiconductor production and thereby to enable a more resilient European power electronics industry that will provide solutions to the important area of semiconductors.

The AddMorePower project will focus on the following objectives:
• To develop novel X-ray and electron-probe based characterisation workflows and protocols for power semiconductor materials
• To model concepts for better characterization and lifetime prediction of power semiconductor interconnect materials
• To establish FAIR and open data practices to enable efficient data workflows between characterization and modelling techniques
A profound project management was established with kick-off meeting, e-mailing lists for communication, document sharing platform, setting up regular meetings per work package and a monthly technical meeting. The consortium already met for technical discussions at Villach.

Regarding the open science practices to enable open knowledge transfer between research facilities a fair data policy, screening and evaluation of available data repositories is finished with a decision to use the NOMAD repository. Moreover, data schemes which are the basis for domain level ontologies in the area of materials modelling and material characterization, have been reviewed and/or generated in order to document the first AddMorePower CHADA and MODA. To support FAIR data management in the material characterization and modelling community, the AddMorePower consortium created a MODA for void growth modelling and a CHADA for Electron Backscatter Diffraction experiments in the first project year.

X-ray based characterization is setting off with competent characterization staff having been hired. Test measurements on lab scale have been performed to proof samples and set-ups both at ESRF and IKTS. More laboratory time at partner ESRF is ensured by long-term proposal so that characterization using x-ray will take-off in 2024.

Electron-probe based characterization using TEM and SEM to detect dislocations has started with first ECCI measurements and realizing first TEM images of dislocations in GaN including first tests on cathodoluminescence. Especially for copper foil samples new equipment was ordered and put into operation to tackle sample preparation issues.

Moreover, polyheater testing conditions for copper materials were tested and improved after reviewing experimental results. Discussions on void formations, also based on experimental results, and their impact for modelling were discussed in online meetings and technical meeting at Villach. The FEM solver for crystal plasticity modeling has been adapted and code for multi-physics simulations re-structured to allow for additional fields.

For the shipping of GaN based samples a policy was finalized and sample options were defined. First ex-situ tests with X-ray diffraction microscopy and further experiments with high temperatures were used to characterize GaN silicon samples. Based on regular use case scenarios discussed with all partners a detailed sample delivery plan was developed to produce and provide GaN samples with a specific grown layer. For copper polyheater structures were defined to enable copper characterization and measurement.

Communication and dissemination strategy and tools have been set up, especially, website, social media channels, newsletter for external communication and e-mailing lists for internal communication. For visual communication a project video as well as video interviews with project partners were created. Publication processes have been set up to ensure that publications within the project time are coordinated and released by all relevant partners.