CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

"A novel multi-functional elastin-like recombinant hydrogel for the prevention of scar tissue formation following a myocardial infarction: ""ELR-SCAR"""


Reparatur eines gebrochenen Herzens mit Elastin

Ursache eines Myokardinfarkts oder Herzinfarkts ist eine anhaltende Durchblutungsstörung im Herzen, die zu einer Schädigung des Gewebes führen kann. Um die Bildung von Narbengewebe zu verhindern, soll im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts ELR-SCAR ein Hydrogel entwickelt werden, das aus Elastin besteht, einem Protein, das dem Gewebe seine Festigkeit und Elastizität verleiht. Dieses Material bindet effektiv an das Endokard und bietet eine Barriere gegen Narbenbildung, ist aber gleichzeitig biologisch abbaubar. Es ist geplant, das Hydrogel über einen Endokardkatheter in das Herz von Betroffenen einzubringen, ein Ansatz, der im Rahmen des ELR-SCAR-Projekts in einer ersten Validierungsstudie am Menschen getestet werden soll. In Anbetracht der hohen Prävalenz von Herzinfarkten in der Bevölkerung wird erwartet, dass die vorgeschlagene Intervention eine enorme gesellschaftliche Wirkung haben wird.


The ELR SCAR project aims to complete preclinical validation of a novel biomaterial, an elastin-like recombinant (ELR) hydrogel, to prevent scar tissue formation in the heart following myocardial infarction (MI), commonly called a heart attack. MI is the endpoint of ischaemic heart disease (IHD). In Europe, the highest rates of IHD worldwide equal ~26.5 million patients. Standards of care interventions after MI have serious limitations in treatment efficacy (many patients are still at risk of developing heart failure) and patient safety. There is a clear medical need for new treatment solutions that prevent scar tissue formation and irreversible cardiac remodelling. Our robust preclinical dataset so far indicates that the ELR hydrogel has this promising functionality via multiple unique characteristics: it provides selective cell adhesion to the endocardium, providing a barrier to scar tissue formation; it offers high biospecificity to the ischaemic microenvironment, and it has an enhanced biodegradability, allowing for safe disintegration in the body. To facilitate endocardial delivery of the ELR hydrogel, we will develop a minimally invasive endocardial catheter in this project. Both components (hydrogel + catheter) will be advanced to the preparedness level for a first-in-human (FIH) validation study for the application as therapeutic intervention post-MI (to be performed after the project). In addition, we will develop the regulatory and IPR strategies in preparation for this clinical validation step. Considering the high societal impact of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and MI, we will also develop a solid health economic evaluation of possible savings and patient benefits. ELR-SCAR will transform and fundamentally improve clinical practice, resulting in reducing the enormous burden that MI and its leading cause, IHD, place on society and the individual patient.


€ 1 245 836,00
H91 Galway

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Ireland Northern and Western West
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€ 1 245 836,25

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