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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

advancing Hydrogen (H2) technologies and smart production systems TO decarbonise the GLass and Aluminium SectorS

Descripción del proyecto

Cómo reciclar vidrio eternamente

Los fabricantes de vidrio y aluminio buscan alternativas sostenibles. Las emisiones de carbono relacionadas con la producción de vidrio proceden sobre todo de la combustión de gas natural. En este contexto, el equipo del proyecto H2GLASS, financiado con fondos europeos, reunirá a veintitrés socios de toda Europa para crear una nueva pila tecnológica que los fabricantes de vidrio y aluminio puedan utilizar para lograr una combustión completa del hidrógeno. En concreto, el proyecto abordará los desafíos relacionados con las emisiones de óxidos de nitrógeno y la elevada velocidad de propagación de la llama, la eficiencia del proceso y el suministro de hidrógeno para las demostraciones «in situ». Asimismo, se utilizarán técnicas de gemelos digitales a fin de evaluar el mantenimiento predictivo basado en el riesgo. Otra característica del proyecto es el demostrador en la industria del aluminio para probar la capacidad de transferencia de los modelos subyacentes a industria similares de gran consumo de energía.


The glass industry will have to be completely decarbonized in the next 30 years. The lifetime of a glass furnace is about. 12-15 years. So it is urgent to start innovating because the year 2050 is only 2 furnaces away. H2GLASS aims to create the technology stack that glass manufacturers need to (a) realize 100% H2 combustion in their production facilities, (b) ensure the required product quality, and (c) manage this safely. H2GLASS will address the challenges related to NOx emissions and high flame propagation speed, process efficiency, and supply of H2 for on-site demonstrations. Digital Twin techniques will be critical for risk-based predictive maintenance, optimized production control, and combustion system control. Hydrogen will be supplied by a portable electrolyser co-funded by the industrial demonstrators, and the oxygen produced will be reused in the process. The H2GLASS technologies and design solutions will be validated up to TRL 7 on 5 industrial demonstrators from 3 segments (container glass, flat glass and glass fibre), which together represent 98% of the current glass production in the EU. The expertise of partners such as Steklarna Hrastnik, PTML Pilkington, Owens Corning and Stara Glass representing the State Of The Art (SOTA) in the use of H2 in the glass process will be an asset for the H2GLASS Consortium. A demonstrator for the aluminum industry (HYDRO) will prove the transferability of the basic solutions and underlying models to energy-intensive industries that have similarities with the glass manufacturing process, thus strengthening the impact of the project. In EU the Glass and Aluminium industries employ >400.000 people in Europe, generate > 3.5B€ and emit ca.21.5 Mt CO2e. The innovations generated by H2GLASS will potentially create 10.000 new jobs and unlock 1 - 5B€ revenues for glass technology deployment, >17B investments and 200.000 new jobs for green H2, and cut emissions by ca.80%.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 3 104 875,00
Sem Saelandsveg 11
7465 Trondheim

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Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 3 104 875,00

Participantes (19)

Socios (3)