CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Purity improvement of scrap metal


Nachfrage nach Stahlschrott stärken

Stahlschrott kann getrennt, sortiert und zur Fertigung eines beliebigen neuen Stahlerzeugnisses verwendet werden. Zudem ist Schrott Bestandteil des Rohstoffmixes eines jeden Stahlwerks. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt PURESCRAP Verunreinigungen reduzieren, damit Schrottsorten geringer Qualität verstärkt zum Einsatz kommen können. Im Einzelnen geht es um die Nutzung neuartiger Sensorkombinationen und KI-gestützter Analysen. Die Sensorstationen werden in zwei Prozessketten für schweren (geschnittenen) und geschredderten Schrott installiert. Das Gesamtziel des Projekts lautet, eine höhere Recyclingquote für Schrott aus dem Endverbrauchsbereich zu erreichen (Erhöhung des Anteils von Schrott geringerer Qualität am gesamten Schrotteinsatz um mindestens 40 %). Das Projekt wird die kontinuierliche Nachfrage nach verbesserten Reinigungs- und Aufwertungsmethoden gewährleisten.


The objective of the project PURESCRAP is to increase the use of low-quality scrap grades (post-consumer scrap) by deploying and applying best available technologies to reduce impurities. This is achieved through novel sensor combinations and analysis supported by artificial intelligence. A key part is the connection between scrap sorter and the steel industry which are the consumers of the scrap. This ensures that there is a demand for the enhanced purification and valorisation methods. The steel industry also enables the industrial scale verification of the PURESCRAP methods, where sorted scrap is used for steelmaking in semi-industrial and industrial scale.
The shredding process is identified as the most promising method leading to impurity liberation and later removal, for which the site of the Swedish scrap supplier STENA is chosen for demonstration. With a better analysis of the scrap material after the sorting and preparation chain, appropriate material handling can be optimised for desired outputs. During the project, sensor stations will be integrated in the two separate processing chains for heavy (cut) and shredded scrap. The proposed innovation of PURESCRAP has the ambition to go far beyond industrial state-of-the-art to achieve a higher recycling rate of post-consumer scrap (increased share of low-quality scrap over the total scrap input by at least 40% or more) compared to the usual practice for a specific steel quality, whereas realistic grades are e.g. rail steel R260 (1.0623; EN13674) and engineering steel 42CrMo4 (1.7225; DIN EN10083). This clearly contributes to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA ) of the Clean Steel Partnership, and to the achievement of the European Green Deal goals regarding circular economy as well as to the reduction of CO2 emissions. The outstanding performance of the proposed PURESCRAP sensor stations will be demonstrated through the implementation at industrial scale at a scrap supplier site.


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