D4.1: Initial system characterisation and middleware requirements and design. (M12, R, PU). Initial design of the middleware for supporting fabric-attached memory, heterogeneous resources, and high-performance network, prototype implementation and system level characterization results
D3.1- OS and system software requirements, specification, and designDeliverable 3.1 - OS and system software requirements, specification, and design. (M12, R, PU). Initial design document of the software stack including operating system, system services, and programming environment and tools, and report on the current landscape for the cloud software stack, prototype implementation and benchmarking results
D2.1-Pilot System Architecture Design and Prototype Implementation ReportD2.1 - Pilot System Architecture Design and Prototype Implementation Report. (M12, R, PU).Initial design of the pilot platform including compute node architecture, network architecture, and system architecture and prototype implementation and benchmarking results
D6.1-Plan for dissemination, collaboration, exploitation, and standardisationD6.1 Plan for dissemination, collaboration, exploitation and standardisation. (M6, R, PU) This deliverable presents the initial dissemination plan including target audiences and activities, and exploitation plan.
D5.1-Definition of demonstrator applications and workflowsD5.1 - Definition of demonstrator applications and workflows. (M12, R, PU). Definition of application workflows and benchmark suites, including baseline expectations and performance.
Nina Mujkanovic, Juan J. Durillo, Nicolay Hammer, Tiziano Müller
Veröffentlicht in:
SC-W '23: Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis, 2023
Jacob Wahlgren; Gabin Schieffer; Maya Gokhale; Ivy Peng
Veröffentlicht in:
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2023
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