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New science in Radio Astronomy: applying cutting-edge technology to enhance the entire data chain, from receiver to final output.

Descrizione del progetto

Potenziare le infrastrutture europee di radioastronomia

Non ci sono limiti per le capacità europee nel campo della radioastronomia, che riceveranno un notevole impulso. Il progetto RADIOBLOCKS, finanziato dall’UE, migliorerà le grandi infrastrutture di ricerca europee in radioastronomia sviluppando elementi di base comuni per soluzioni tecnologiche che vanno oltre lo stato dell’arte. Il progetto, quale collaborazione tra istituti, partner dell’industria e del mondo accademico, si impegnerà nel co-sviluppo di tecnologie avanzate. L’obiettivo generale sarà quello di migliorare la sensibilità, il campo visivo, la larghezza di banda, la risoluzione angolare, temporale e di frequenza, la commensalità e il tempo di permanenza in cielo, il tempo di reazione e la mitigazione delle interferenze di radiofrequenza. Il progetto suddivide l’intera catena dei dati in quattro fasi e si occupa di sviluppo di nuovi rivelatori e componenti, ricevitori digitali, trasporto e correlatore e (post)elaborazione dei dati.


The goal of the RADIOBLOCKS project is to achieve a maximal boost for the European major world-leading research infrastructures in radio astronomy, which over the years have invested heavily in maintaining existing facilities as well as in substantial upgrade programmes, after identifying common challenges towards their mid- and long-term scientific visions. In this project, the institutes responsible of these facilities join forces, together with partners from industry and academia, in order to develop “common building blocks” for technological solutions beyond state-of-the-art, that will enable a broad range of new science and enhance European scientific competitiveness. They share the need to continuously improve their capabilities in order to enable new science: sensitivity, field of view, bandwidth, angular, time and frequency resolution, commensality and on-sky time, reaction time and RFI mitigation. Engagement with industry to co-develop advanced technologies will increase the partners’ technological levels and strengthen their market positions, creating a true European innovation system. This project carries out carefully targeted development work and addresses common aspects in the complete data chain, categorizing this in four phases: Novel detectors and components, digital receivers, transport and correlator, and data (post)processing. We will design and demonstrate common building blocks based on cutting-edge technologies, that will be enablers and extenders in the areas most critical to the RIs, and can and will be used for upgrades of several RIs. The building blocks will be new instrument components and advanced digital solutions based on newly available (HPC/AI optimized) hardware. This approach will enable a tremendous increase of the science delivery potential of Europe’s major radio astronomical observatories, for science cases that are high on their long-term agendas, aimed at the widest possible science community in Europe and beyond.

Parole chiave


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 656 018,75
7991 PD Dwingeloo
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

Noord-Nederland Drenthe Zuidwest-Drenthe
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 1 656 018,75

Partecipanti (23)

Partner (10)