CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

We care for those who care


Gegen Diskriminierung und für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen im Pflegesektor

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CARE4CARE wird aus einer vergleichenden und multidisziplinären Perspektive die Arbeitsbedingungen von Pflegekräften in sechs EU-Mitgliedstaaten (Deutschland, Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, Polen und Schweden) untersuchen, um geeignete Instrumente zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsqualität und zum Abbau von Diskriminierungen zu entwickeln. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, ein Analyse- und Regulierungsmodell zu schaffen, das in anderen europäischen Ländern nachgeahmt werden und neue relevante Strategien für europäische Institutionen hervorbringen kann. Zudem sollen Pflegekräfte und ihre Vertreterverbände in die Lage versetzt werden, an der Gestaltung und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen mitzuwirken, die ihr Leben betreffen. Die Projektarbeit umfasst die Entwicklung einer Webplattform, die zugängliche Informationen über die Arbeitsbedingungen von Pflegekräften bietet.


Care workers are mainly women and migrants, which makes the care sector an interesting field to verify the dynamics of segregation and exclusion that affect the labour market. At the same time, it is a challenging testing ground, which allows to design and verify new measures to contrast discrimination and promote social inclusion.
EU institutions have included the care work sector among those sectors “key to the future of European society and economy”. The Covid-19 pandemic has made even more clear the centrality of care work in modern societies but it also made more visible many critical issues affecting the working conditions of care workers, such as: the lack of adequate economic resources, the workforce shortage, the pressure put on care workers, the risks for their well-being, the underfinancing of social care as a consequence of the reorganisation and partial retrenchment of the welfare state, the weaker bargaining power in the sector than in male-dominated sectors, the undervaluation of female-dominated jobs, the prevalence of undeclared work in domestic care work, patterns of discrimination in the sector on grounds of gender and nationality and the intersectionality between the two.
This project proposal aims to investigate in a comparative and multidisciplinary perspective the working conditions of care workers and their perception of their working environment and dynamics and to develop suitable tools to improve job quality and contrast discrimination, such as: elaborating policy strategies to tackle the undervaluation of care work, with particular attention to the key role that trade unions, employers’ associations as well as equality and monitoring bodies can play; designing training programmes to empower trade unions and family associations and employers reps to improve job quality in the sector; setting up of a permanent observatory on care work, which will implement a platform accessible to care workers, in order to improve their rights’ awareness.


€ 471 813,75
Piazza San Marco 4
50121 Florence

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Centro (IT) Toscana Firenze
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 471 813,75

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